Devil fruit training

Jared started thinking what kind of devil fruit he wants. the sleep-sleep fruit,clone-clone fruit or the zoan type bat-bat fruit. He didn't even know what to choose because he was so overwhelmed right now and can't think properly. " Boss, Can you help me choose on what kind of fruit that is good for me?" Jared looked at Seth with a look only girl who were in love would have.

Seth was creeped out by Jared looks as he told him " Those 3 fruits are all good It depends on you on how will you use the devil fruit." Jared listening to Seth kept on nodding he finally chose the sleep-sleep fruit when Seth asked why he chose it Jared told him that if there were many enemies and he can't handle them he would just let them go to sleep and then escape.

While listening to Jared explanation Seth just nodded and didn't even bother to react. but he was thinking [ WHY ON EARTH DID I GOT A COWARD FOLLOWER HAYSS!!! ] Seth then retrieved the other 2 devil fruits in his ring for later purposes if he can find someone worthy of giving a fruit. He then looked at the devil fruit in his hands it was an apple shape fruit with leaves pattern all over it he the proceeded in eating the fruit he almost threw up the fruit because it was fcking disgusting Jared also has the same reaction after a couple of minutes the taste already faded away and seth was inspecting his body. he raised his hands and started concentrating on it after a while his hands started to turn into wind shaped hand no more flesh only pure wind.

"HAHAHAHHA finally im a devil fruit eater with a powerful logia type" Seth was happy that he got what he wanted. now the next step was to start practicing on how to properly use his devil fruit. he stil got 5 1/2 months before the main story starts. he then went to Jared who was experimenting his devil fruits on his crew making them fall asleep for only a couple of minutes. he was sad that it's effect was so low but seth told him that he need to practice in order to master his devil fruit.

after 3 months of training seth was practicing his devil fruit with his scythe he didn't use it in the past because it wasn't worth it he can just use his haki on his enemies and he can get the job done. now he was combining his scythe and devil he threw his scythe and make it spin like a boomerang and return to him after flying like and arc. he finally managed to broke through advance stage on his devil fruit mastery he can fly up in the sky create small tornado's with both his hands and produce wind blades.

He was thinking where will he meet the strawhats he didn't like the arc that is going to happen on grandline so he chose to meet one of them when the time skip will happen the 3D2Y event. he will go and meet nami on weatheria and try to get on her good side and date her. seth while thinking was having a weird expression and Jared so it. it was now his turn to get freak out by his boss who was grinning with a lewd smile.

To stop his boss from thinking of creepy things Jared went up to him and asked " boss, you got your devil fruit what are we going to do now? our food supply is about to end I suggest we stop on nearby island and resupply " Seth having someone break his happy thoughts was about to throw that person out of the ship and feed him to the sea king's.

He then looked at Jared with fierce glint in his eyes. Jared seeing this withouth hesitation ran all the way to his new cabin because the old one was occupied by seth. "hey Jared come back im not gonna do anything to you." Jared peeked with his face assuring that Seth was telling the truth then immediately went up to him again. " Jared what do I need to do in order to have a bounty? " Seth asked.

"Boss, the fastest way is to kill and rob civillians in order to have a high bounty" Upon hearing Jared's word Seth immediately knocked some sense out of him and angry reprimanded him " you idiot why would I want to fcking want to kill and rob innocent people you piece of sht!" with that said seth kicked him up. Jared realizing his mistake immediately apoligize " sorry boss sorry boss! don't hurt me anymore your punch and kick really hurts. the 2nd option is we can go to marine base wreck havoc in there." Jared after finishing his sentence he began regretting telling this idea to his boss because Seth immediately nodded in approval with a wide grin on his face that was hard to remove.

after stopping on a unknown island and resupplying their stock they asked where was the nearest marine base. after finding out where the nearest base they also heard that the base was named G-2 it was headed by Vice Admiral Comil and has 8 marine captains. Jared upon hearing this immediately became lifeless his crew members had to carry him up to the ship. after finalizing everything they immediately set sail towards G-2 and cause some havoc.

On the way to G-2 Jared kept begging Seth to stop their course of action they have many more ways in order to get higher bounty but Seth just ignored his pleas and kept on continuing their route to G-2. after travelling for 2 weeks they can finally see the marine base G-2 Seth's face was brimming with excitement while Jared face was devoid of life.

When they neared the base sounds of siren could be heard from within the base

"PIRATES! PIRATES! WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!" the marine scout shouted.


"AIM!!! 3! 2! 1! FIRE!!!!!" "BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!"

Seth upon seeing the incoming cannonballs just stretched his hands and his dark purple scythe appeared he wave it onto the incoming attack and a gust of wind shot straight forth the cannonballs causing it to explode. after negating their attack seth ordered everyone to standby and took Jared with him as they flew to the base. Jared was struggling so much that Seth really wanted to throw him to the water.

When they reached the base Seth threw Jared at the marines who were incharge of the cannonballs

he didn't even care that there were 3 captains stationed there and just left Jared to his impending doom. Seth flew in the base where hundreds of navy personnel blocked he just used his conqueror's haki to make them faint and kept on continuing his walk to who knows where. while this was happening a tall, large man with a bald top, but blonde spiky hair flowing downwards on the back of his head, similar to Shiki. He has a mustache and is dark-skinned. His mustache looks like what one usually gets after drinking milk.

He dresses in the typical garb of many high-ranking Marines: he sports a red, double-breasted suit over a dark-green shirt with a plain green tie, and also has a Marine coat draped over his shoulders like a cape. was watching seth cause mayhem on his base this Marine was Vice-Admiral Comil the head of base. " hmmm, What an interesting guy he has conqueror's haki and a logia type devil this would be rather troublesome. let's meet him in order to find out his purpose in coming to my base.