Showcasing one's prowess

Seth while walking aimlessy inside the base already dealt with the 5 more marine captains. he thought that are they really the same rank as smoker? to think that with that kind of power they can become a marine captain. while Seth was immersed in his thought he saw a bald dude with a red dress coming to him. judging from his suit he should be the Leader here Vice-Admiral Comil.

While Seth was checking him out, Comil was also checking seth out the kid infront of him has blue hair with a matching blue eyes he looked like 16-17 years old. after checking him out Comil broke the silence and asked " what are you doing here boy? you do know this is a marine base right" seth just smiled upon comil's question " ofcourse I know this a marine base do you think that I'm fcking blind? c'mon old man between you and me it's obvious that you are the first one to get blind.

Comil upon hearing Seth's words popped a vein he was so angry that this puny kid dared to mock him a vice-admiral. he instantly use soru and appeared behind seth and he followed it up with a shigan seth didn't even dodge as his attack just passed by seth. " old man you do know that I ate a logia type devil fruit right? are you already getting senile? ahahahaha.

In reply to Seth's mocking Comil clad his hands with haki and used the seventh technique of the rokushiki the rokugan. Seth seeing this used his scythe to block the attack. Comil was suprised that a scythe immediately appeared infront of him but he didn't have the time to think because seth already used his scythe to slash towards him. Comil used Tekkai in order to parry the attack but sadly for him the slash still affected him leaving him with a big slash wound while his suit was soaked with his own blood.

"Old man I can't believe you couldn't even dodge a simple slash from me. I think it's time for you to retire and just have a peaceful and quiet retirement." Seth told him sincerely but all Comil could hear was Seth mocking him for being weak. Comil knew that his guy infront of him was powerful enough to kill him with one move but he didn't flinch because the reason he joined the marines was to purge evil marines and give justice to the innocent who died at their hands.

While Comil was struggling to stand up set withdrew his scythe and flew out of the base while leaving a message to Comil " Old man make sure to make me famous I want a decent bounty put on me or else the next marine base that I will visit wouldn't end up so peaceful. oh and by the way the names Seth." after finishing seth disappeared from Comil's sight.

He went to the front of the base where he can see Jared fighting hundreds on marine soldiers behind him were 3 marine captains sleeping soundly. he went up and asked Jared if he needed any help Jared looked up at Seth and started shouting "You fcking bastard! why the hell did you bring me here! I didn't even want to take part in your stupid game!!! ahhhh! fcking bastard don't just watch me here FCKING HELP ME!!!" Jared literally roared at his last few words. Seth just laughed at Jared comical speech " Ohhh now I'm hurt. I finished my business immediately in order to help my poor subordinate but when I finally reached him all I got was him cursing me endlessly hayyy I think I'll just leave him here so that can keep on fighting these angry marines.

Jared upon hearing Seth word's swallowed his anger and using his most charming voice said " Boss Seth, please help this lowly servant of yours. I would massage your back all the time and wash your back when bathing." Seth hearing Jared's words just whistled and looked up the sky murmurming " the sky looks great today"

Upon seeing his boss ignoring him Jared cried instantly pleading seth " boss boss!!!!! im sorry I cursed at you I was just in deep stress fighting all this enemy please forgive me" Jared the just kneeled not minding the hundreds of marines who wants to kill him.

Seth upon seeing this released his haki and made every marines unconcious he then flew over Jared and tapped his shoulder oh c'mon why you gotta be a cry baby infront of your enemies I was just kidding come let's return to the ship and have a banquet to celebrate our success.

In response to this Jared just nodded and look down. unknown to Seth, Jared was grinning from ear to ear he was thinking ( Hahahahaha, Atlast I got my boss into believing me ahahhahaha this really is a success!!!) the oblivious seth just kept flying towards the ship he didn't even thought that this shameless bastard tricked him.

Upon landing the ship's deck everyone gathered around them asking what happened Jared told them with smug look on his face that he defeated 3 marine captains and took on hundreds of marine soldiers. his crew members were in awe for their captain. seth just shooked his head he can't bear to hear one more word from this shamless bastard. when Jared was finish telling his heroic deeds they procceeded in throwing a banquet party.