Blood Scythe

While laying down on his comfortable bed seth thought ( If the marines didn't give a satisfactory new title and bounty maybe I will go visit a new marine base so that they would succumb to my request HAHAHAHAHA I need a cool title and high bounty so that those hot chicks wont belittle me).

After thinking his lewd fantasy he checked his spoils of war from the 4 pirate crews he obliterated while checking he saw a blood red fruit he didn't know where he got it from, he took it out from the ring and studied it. its shape like a heart not the one like ope-ope fruit but a literally human shaped heart. after not finding any clues to what kind of fruit it was he called Jared to help him identify the fruit.

A while later when jared entered the room and seth showed the fruit to him he was dumbstruck because he recognizes this fruit (A/N: Jared has a book about devil fruits so he can easily identify of devil fruit it was. don't ask me how he got the book because I also have no idea how that shameless bastard got it.) It was the fruit that Zed ate the blood-blood fruit. when seth heard him he was shocked he didn't how he got the fruit because after he killed Zed he didn't remember picking up a front.

Then he suddenly had a ridiculous idea he took famine out and stared at it intently he knew that one who can solve this was Famine he asked it " Did you retrieve the fruit from zed when we killed him?" seth asked. Famine in response glowed as if saying that seth was correct, then he asked again " If we kill another devil fruit eater will we be able to take their devil fruit?" Famine just glowed again now even brighter. Seth was overjoyed he had another broken ability well it was Famine's ability but it was still the same.

Seth was now thinking whose devil fruit should he take he wont just indiscriminately kill anyone that has a good devil fruit he would choose his target properly. the first person he can think of was enel his goro goro no mi is a powerful logia devil fruit he should take it from him besides he is an enemy of luffy and got to lucky to escape death. he knew that after alabasta arc luffy's next stop was sky island but he wont interact with any of the strawhat he would just be an observer and hide in the shadows.

He would kill Enel when he is travelling going to the moon so that no one would know that he was the one who killed Enel. his next stop was jaya island there he will wait for the strawhats and follow them to sky island while flying he would let Jared and his crew wait for him on mock town. and so he called Jared telling him that they find a eternal pose for jaya island. Jared hearing his boss's command immediately commanded his crew to find a eternal pose for jaya island as soon as possible.

2 days passed by Seth and Co. were now on their way to jaya island a scout went up to seth telling him that there was a news coo coming seth upon hearing this waited for the hardworking to make his way towards the ship. when the news coo arrived he paid for the newspaper flip the newspaper to know what was the headline to his dismay it was about some rookie pirates making a name for themselves after reading the news he was pissed off because there wasn't any news about him.

He then checked the bounty poster's after scanning for 5 mins he finally saw his poster upon seeing its content he was grinning from ear to ear because they gave him a new title,bounty and a new photo he was standing with his scythe on his shoulder the scythe was feeding on blood so it look like the scythe was soaked with blood.


"Blood Scythe Seth"

Dead Or Alive

350,000,000 beli

Seth was happy cause his bounty increased even though it was only 100M well beggar's cant be chooser's he was contended because he's got bad ass photo with a bad ass title, he immediately showed it to Jared who was extremely jealous he thought ( why does boss have a bad ass photo while mine was a candy ass photo) Jared also thought of attacking a marine base but he immediately erased that sure death idea.

Seth after seeing his new bounty poster brought it to his cabin and pasted it beside his old one then he lay down on his bed thinking what other devil fruits should he get. he has 3 devil fruit with him now the clone-clone fruit,bat-bat fruit and blood-blood fruit and rumble-rumble fruit was sure to be with him after he kills Enel. he thought of killing doflamingo and take his devil fruit it was really a powerful paramecia type but denied the idea immediately he can kill him when he was in the new world.

There's also that chick Monet if he cant get her then it was her choice he would have to get her devil fruit and bring her to meet the creator GODA-sama.