Mock Town

A week of endless travel and finally seth arrived at jaya island he told jared to standby outside of jaya island for the time being while seth went to check mock town. he would use a new mask because the "Tragedy Mask" that he used when stealing the devil fruits from joker's black market would be recognize, so he changed his outfit with a black hodded coat while wearing a "Vendetta Mask".

While disguised seth continued walking through mock threre were pirates battling everywhere on certain fight he saw a man with wavy, shoulder length blue hair with purple tinted goggles and a white fur coat this guys was bellamy's right hand man Sarquiss.

He saw him fighting a guy with random dude he can't even use his kukri knives hayss can't believe he got a bounty of 38,000,000 beli what a waste of cash. after looking around for a while he found a not to shabby hotel and rested there waiting for the strawhats to arrive.

In a bar at mock town a guy wearing a black hat with black coat, blood red tie and black pants entered. he sat found a table and ordered a drink, this guy is seth he threw the mask off because he can't drink while wearing a mask that's why he chose a hat covering his face.

4 days already passed by and this was his 2nd visit to the bar the reason he waited there was that in this specifir bar luffy and zoro got their ass beat up by bellamy. hours passsed seth was about to leave when he saw 3 people entering the bar the first wears a strawhat, red sleeveless shirt and blue pants the other guy had a moss like head he was also carrying 3 swords with him, the last one had an orange hair with striped colored strap shirt with a yellow skirt.

This trio were luffy,zoro and one of his target nami ( wooooh! the real life nami is more sexy than the one in the manga/anime) thought seth looking at nami with a lewd smile on his face. when the strawhat sat and nami was about to ask a question to the ownder of the tender when the door opened again this time a man with short blonde hair,pink sleeveless shirt,green sash,white pants and a captain's coat entered the bar this guy was the captain of the bellamy pirates " Bellamy the Hyena with a bounty of 55,000,000 beli.

" Are you the rookie strawhat luffy with a bounty of 30,000,000 beli?" bellamy asked while looking at luffy.

" Yeah, who are you?" Luffy asked oblivious that bellamy was itching for a fight. " Im Bellamy the Hyena with a bounty of 55,000,000 beli how about I treat you to a drink?"

"ohh? Free drink? you're really a good guy " Luffy smiled while waiting for his drink. after a while 2 mugs were brought 1 for luffy and another for bellamy. luffy then turn to bellamy then raised his mug to clink bellamy's then said " Cheers! " luffy drank the beer, when suddenly bellamy slammed luffy face first on the table.

Everyone was shocked zoro immediately pointed his sword on bellamy's neck. " And what are you doing? Dog " bellamy asked with a smile. Luffy then stood up looking at bellamy saying " Okay then so you wanna fight? " to this bellamy just laughed " HAHAHAHAHAHA This won't even be a fight, it'll be a test. come on! and show me what you got!

Luffy look perplexed when nami suddenly interrupted " Luffy, wait! " then she turned to the owner of the bar asking " Hey oldman, we came seeking information on Sky Island do you know anything about it?! " The entire bar went silent then started laughing and jeering at nami.

"Sky Island?!" "Hahahahahahaha You gotta be kidding me!!" " wake up little girl hhahahahaha!"

When nami saw them laughing at her she shouted then pointed at her log pose " Look! my log pose is pointing directly at the sky!" the entire bar went silent for a while then started laughing again.

" Hahahahaha log poses go haywire all the time you know!! " " I can't believe they believe in a broken log pose hahahahha " When seth saw this and looked at nami turning red from embarrassment, He unconsciously released his conqueror's haki from anger his table cracked some pirates loss consciousness when the other's saw this they immediately became quit then looked towards seth's direction.

Seth saw them looking towards him then he realized that he unconsciously released his conqueror's haki. seth didn't mind and started using his conqueror's haki again all those that laughed at nami were unconscious he lessen the pressure on the bellamy pirates so he could still teach them a lesson. he then stood up from his chair then started walking towards the center, Luffy,zoro and nami were looking at seth with puzzled looks while the bellamy and his crew were now kneeling he then faced them saying " So you think it's funny laughing at one's dream right? " when he finished his speech he started increasing the pressure.

Bellamy was fighting just to stay kneeling while the others were now laying down on the floor everyone fainted except for luffy,zoro,nami,bellamy and sarquiss. he then looked at sarquiss " Hey pig face I heard you're some hot shot hooking up girls left and right, are you by any chance interested at the beautiful lady behind me? " seth lessened the pressure so that sarquiss can speak, he looked at him with fear in his eyes he immediately shooked his head left and right almost causing him to have a stiff neck. " Ohh, that's good then this is a light punishment for looking at her with thos lecherous eyes of your earlier " seth then released a wind slash at sarquiss eyes. " ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! my eyes!! it hurts!! my eyes!!! " shouted sarquiss while rolling on the floor covering his bleeding eyes.

He then looked at bellamy " I heard you're boss is Doflamingo right?, do thank him on my behalf for giving me those 4 devil fruits." he then knocked off bellamy using his haki while sarquiss fainted from pain. Luffy and co. were looking as event unfolded right infront of them zoro was the one who spoke first " oii! who are you?! " while getting ready to attack. Nami seeing zoro ready to attack immediately slap the back of his head reprimanding him " you idiot! do you think you can win against him?!! "

Nami then looked at seth then hesistated while saying " uhmmm, thanks for the help earlier sorry for the trouble uhmm, can I get your name? " nami then looked at seth in the eyes waiting for his reply. Seth spaced out for a moment because was so beautiful but was interrupted when luffy suddenly patted his back laughing " Hahahaha thanks man!! you're really strong how did you make all of them faint? was it a devil fruit? do you have a crew? wanna join me? come join me!! " luffy then bombarded seth with questions.

In response to luffy's unending questions seth used his devil fruit that boost's his speed and immediately escaped from luffy's grasped while leaving only 3 words " SKY ISLAND EXIST! "

Nami seeing that seth was already gone started cursing at luffy " you useless captain!! why did you start bombarding him with questions!! now look he's gone I didn't even got his name!! " but she suddenly heard seth saying that the sky island exist she immediately became happy and thanked seth in her heart for helping her.