Awakening for what?!

After leaving the bar seth then went back to the ship and waited until the knock up stream will appear he forgot how many were left before it so seth just waited until it was time to move, ( Haaay, if I ever joined the strawhat crew I need to make a soundproof barrier so that if I ever do the deed with nami or robin others would not be disturb especially that love cook sanji. that guy is gonna hinder me on my advances to the girls haaay, but first things first I need to awaken my devil fruit so that I can make a wind domain this is really important for my s*x life while travelling. yosh! let's start training!!)

Days passed seth was still training to awaken his devil fruit when suddenly the sky dimmed, he knew the cause of this phenomenon and hurriedly went to find Jared. he told him that he would be leaving for a few days they could visit mock town and enjoy there why waiting for him to return, after finishing everything he then flew towards the huge pillar of water up ahead he knew the strawhats already went up ahead and followed them up towards sky island.

While flying upwards he saw the going merry unfurling it's sails merry then immediately flew towards the dark clouds, when seth saw this he knew that they would make it and no mishap's would happend he then overtook them so that he could wait for them on sky island. seth continued flying when he saw a big sign saying " Heaven's Gate" a door opened and a women with her camera dial took a picture of seth then asked " sightseeing or fighting? " seth didn't even bother entertaining the weird old woman he just gave her the 1,000,000 beli then proceeded to sky island.

when seth reached the sky island he immediately look for a empty space in the forest so that he could continue awakening his devil fruit, he didn't even give a da*n on what will happen on the island his only purpose here was enel's fruit and nothing else he didn't even bother finding the city of gold because he can just steal gold's from other pirates. he then proceeded with his awakening while waiting for the bell the ring signalling the end of the battle and enel's defeat.

2 days passed seth can now finally make a meter size wind domain he was still far from his target of 10 meters so that he could have enough space while doing his "activities" while seth was happy about his success in making a mini domain he heard sounds of battle in the distance he knew that it was enel's and luffy's battling.

When suddenly the sound of the bell started ringing *DING! ... DING! .... DING! ...* seth immediately went to where the sound of the bell could be heard moments later Enel's god arc along side him fell down the sky, he immediately followed it he waited till enel says his speech so that he could destroy his narcistic ideal's. seth waited 3 hours till enel recovered to start his journey towards the moon while travelling enel started his solo speech while smiling " I will return .. to God's rightful place! There must be nothing in the sky to obstruct my field of vision. you we-" enel didn't even finished his speech when someone interrupted him.

" What a speech mr. god * slow clap * too bad you can't even reach God's rightful place cause your journey ends here " Enel was shocked because he didn't even detected someone. seth didn't even wait for enel to finish thinking he summoned famine then slash at enel neck decapitating him, famine then started feeding on enel's blood seth saw a fruit immediately appeared beside famine he took it and stored it on his interspatial ring. after famine finished feeding, it immediately started glowing seth knew that famine was breaking through another stage he was at the peak of intermediate rank after killing zed and on the verge of breaking through after feeding on zed's blood.

After waiting for famine to finish breaking through it's normal dark purle with a tinge blood red color can't be seen on famine anymore and it was replaced with a dark red color. seth didn't mind the changes famine went through but what happened next shocked seth to the core, he saw famine glowing more brightly then it slowly transformed to boy who looked like 3-4 years old he had red pupils, red hair with a red hat, red tuxedo with white shirt and a red ribbon, black shorts and black with red shoes. the kid looked at seth smiling showing his rows of sharp teeth the kid then spoke while stretching " aaah! I finally got my human form staying on my weapon form really sucks while being kept on that space dimension. hey you! you useless host! you didn't feed for 3 years don't think I already forgot about that! " complained the boy.

Seth was still absorbing all that happened here when he heard the boy complaining about not feeding for 3 years seth then asked " are you my weapon Famine? " the boy just rolled his eyes at him saying " what do you think pig brain? can't you even tell I transformed infront of you are your eyes still working?! " seth upon hearing the kid reprimanding twitched his eyes and mouth. then he remembered what old roy told him back then that when a spirit weapon reaches the advance stage it can consume a devil fruit but he didn't tell that they could transform into a human form!!

After thinking for a while seth asked famine " so famine now that you have your human you can now eat human food right? " Famine just snorted upon hearing his question " No! I would feed on blood,rare ore's and weapons so don't you even dare give me those food that you eat! " (wew this kid got some attitude -.-') thought seth he asked him that question cause he was tired of hunting evil pirates just to feed this god da*n kid.