Famine is a smart kid!

Seth after cursing famine internally went to the boy and asked " hey famine do you want to eat a devil so that you can enhance your strength while fighting here choose between this two" seth then showed the 2 logia type fruits the rumble-rumble fruit and blood-blood fruit. famine upon hearing seth's idea immediately got angry at him " you simpleton! you think a logia fruit is good match up for me?! use your brain OMG!! If i ate logia type sure I can release some lightning and control blood but it isn't worth it. "

Hearing famine's word seth then started thinking he realize that he was too naive to think that only logia type fruits are powerful he then started brainstorming on what kind of devil fruit is best to give to famine, while he was in deep thought famine suddenly told him " Give me the clone-clone fruit if I eat that fruit you can have another scythe, and become a dual scythe wielder I think this is better than eating one of those logia type fruit such a waste of my talent."

( haaaay what a narcistic kid but he is kinda smart compared to me I didn't even thought of wielding a dual scythe ) thought seth. he then took out the clone-clone fruit then handed it to famine, upon receiving the fruit famine immediately swallowed it whole without even tasting it. he then looked at seth's expectant face and snorted at him " heh! you think you can see me suffering from the taste of that fruit too bad I can just swallow it whole without even tasing it HAHAHAHAHAHA! "

Seth who was waiting for famine to start throwing up started cursing internally ( da*n this smart ass! can't he just eat the fruit properly haaay! my only way of getting revenge is now gone. can't believe my weapon is so smart guess I'll just go up to him if I have some problems in the future ) famine upon eating the fruit then said to seth " I'll go in the interspatial ring so that I can master the fruit and awaken it, don't put any food or things that would rot inside the ring until I finish my training because I will alter the time inside the ring to 10:1 ratio 10 days inside the ring is equivalent to a idea here outside.

When seth heard famine's word he was dumbfounded ( you can even do that?! what a broken ability too bad I cant enter the interspatial ring and train ) famine then went back inside the ring. seth then looked at the god's arc it was partially made out of gold so seth immediately destroyed the arc and retrieve all the gold's he could get. after finishing everything he then started descending from sky island good thing that the enternal pose for jaya island was with him or else he wont know how to return to Jared and his crew.

After endless flying for a couple of days seth finally reached jaya island he went to ship and found that Jared and co. were but they were all severely injured he knew that they went to mock town and showed of their strength but got injured during the fight. he then checked their wounds and saw that they weren't life threatening so he just let them rest and went back to his cabin, seth laid down on his comfy bed. he knew that Jared and his crew needed to be strong because in 4-5 months he would be leaving them and who would protect them if not themselves so seth decided to help them get stronger but he wont be the one to teach them they would need to travel to calm belt and go to amazon lily there he will first pursue Boa Hancock.

And if he succeeds he will then ask boa hancock to choose a suitable island and trainers for jared and his crew so that they could get stronger while he is flirting with hancock. after finishing planning he first let them rest for a week to recover from their injuries then set sail towards calm belt.

A week quickly passed and seth and co. are now travelling towards calm belt, seth was still trying to expand his wind domain while Jared and some his crew were now training after their fight on mock town they realize that they were being reliant on seth to fight on their behalf that's why they were now training so that they would also get stronger and to stop relying on seth they knew that he was just with them for fun and that he would leave someday.

After travelling for a week and a half they finally reached calm belt but there was a problem they didnt know the way to amazon lily so seth being true to his word immediately summoned famine the kid was annoyed because he was in the middle of his training and got summoned by his host seth then asked famine not minding the shocked expression of jared and his crew when they saw famine appearing before them.

" Hey famine I know you're a spirit weapon do you happen to know how to communicate to sea kings? " famine upon hearing that seth summoned him just to talk to those lowly sea king immediately exploded " What?! you called me just to be your fcking translator?!?! " seth then started coaxing the grumpy little kid and promised him to feed him blood soon. famine then calmed down hearing seth's promise. ( what a greedy kid, so that's how you manage to calm him down just promise him some food ) thought seth he then immediately heard talking with a weird languange.

After famine finished his speech a giant sea king immediately appeared infront of him they immediately started talking using their weird language. after speaking with the sea king famine turned towards seth saying " he said he knew where amazon lily is and will act as your guide but he told me to give him some food as compensation " seth hearing that the sea king asked for food as compensation didn't mind it was just food.

The sea king then acted as their guide seth tied a rope at it's back to pull them because there was no wind on calm belt and he was lazy to use his devil fruit when he has an option on tying a rope to the sea king. after travelling for 10 hours they finally stopped he can see an island from a far he knew that it was the island where Boa Hancock reside's he then threw some food at the sea king who happily devoured it then went back into the sea.