
After seth shouted the winds behind him started getting restless and became violent then a large serpent shape creature appeared it had many sharp fangs, it's head was like of a serpent with several small spike facing backwards there was a scale like wings attached at it's neck. When seth saw that he succeeded he laughed maniacally " Hahahahahahahaha! I succeeded! I can't believe it "

He then looked towards garp who was looking at him with a shocked expression, seth ignoring the shocked garp immediately ordered the basilisk to attack garp. the basilisk immediately pounced toward garp and was preparing to bite him, Garp recovered from his shocked expression and immediately used the most powerful Rokushiki style "ROKUOGAN! he used both his hands that was clad in armament haki and punched towards the incoming basilisk *BOOOOOOM!!!* a powerful shockwave emerged from the clash destroying everything within the vicinity.

The strawhats braced theirself for the incoming impact but the unlucky marines that were unconscious was thrown everywhere and got injured from the shockwave. Up in the air garp's hands that were clad in armament were now dripping with blood he got injured from the clash, seth was also not in the best condition he was already exhausted. the basilisk was now coiled around seth protecting him from harm.

Garp seeing the basilisk didn't disappear he smiled bitterly he knew that if seth will attack again he would be gravely injured, seth seeing garp's expression knew that he can't take another hit. he took a deep breath then began to converge more winds to the basilisk he was preparing to attack on last time and this was a do or die situation whoever stands after this would be victor.

When garp saw that he was preparing for another attack he softly muttered " What a monster " he also knew that if he survives this attack he would be the victor. after converging more winds on the basilisk it now doubled in size it was looking at garp as if he was it's prey.

Seth raised his hands and shouted " BASILISK! " garp prepared for the incoming attack " TEKKAI! " seeing garp didn't attack but rather waited and concentrated purely on defense seth smirk in disdain, the basilisk hearing his master coiled upwards and was prepared to attack seth then slowly lowered his hands and was about to point towards garp to signal the basilisk to attack when suddenly.

STOOOOOP!! SETH! I know you're not a bad person you must have a reason on why you slaughtered those pirates, so please stop attacking.

Hearing nami's word seth stopped the basilisk, then looked towards garp with smirk " Looks this is were our battle ends " finishing his words he then jumped at the basilisk head and ordered it to leave.

Seeing seth leave garp immediately plopped down. chopper immediately went towards him and started to treat his injuries, after treatment garp thanked chopper and asked him if he could also treat those who got injured from their battle earlier especially his subordinates who were now awake. chopper nodded then went to treat the other injured people.

Luffy then approached garp " grandpa, are your injuries okay? " luffy asked worriedy he didn't blame seth because it his grandpa who wanted to capture seth and he just defended himself.

" Well, Im lucky that only hands were injured, da*n that guy was a fcking monster he exploited my weakness which was long ranged combat. and that basilisk of his sure was scary " garp shuddered remembering the basilisk who doubled in size, he then looked towards nami " I should thank you little girl if you didn't stop him I wouldn't know if I would've survive that last attack of his "

Nami shooked her head in response " I only told him to stop because I knew that he is a good guy, vice-admiral garp you were in the wrong this time because seth clearly didn't want to fight. but you leave him no choice but to fight because you wanted to capture him so I don't need your thanks, next time I hope you wont attack immediately just because you believed you were in the right even though you don't know anything." after saying what she wanted she then left the compound.

Garp hearing nami's words lowered his head in shame he knew that what she said was right and he was really reckless this time and because of his recklessness most of his subordinates were injured.

While garp was reflecting on his actions, seth was riding atop the basilisk they went to a nearby island, when he reached the island he immediately dispersed the basilisk and went towards the nearby town and immediately booked a room when he entered the room he immediately doze off because he was really exhausted from the fight.

A couple of hours later seth woked up he already recovered up to 70% of his strength. he first went out and looked for a restaurant because he was so hungry. when he entered the restaurant he immediately serve every dish they have, when the chef his this he immediately started cooking. After he finished eating he went back to his room and he was recalling the fight and started to thinking.

He knew that if he fought garp in close combat there was a big chance that he would surely lose, that's why he chose to use long range attack. Still he can't beat him when he was clearly at a disadvantage he immediately summoned famine. seeing the little boy infront of him he asked " how's your training famine? " famine then answered " I already reached the expert stage on the devil fruit and I can summon a clone who won't disappear even if you injure it seriously"

" Good we can now begin training using a dual scythe can you summon the clone? " famine just looked at him in confusion he then asked " why are looking at me like that? I told you to make a clone of yourself " famine just chuckled at him " my clone is inside your ring master so you should be the one to summon it " he then peered inside and like famine said there was another famine meditating inside the ring he immediately called it he looked at the clone " so famine-2 can you transform into a scythe but make your length only a meter long because the other one is 2 meters long so I should have a shorter scythe for the second one to have good mobility. "

Famine hearing his command transformed into a meter long scythe, seth then looked towards the original famine which in response immediately transformed into a 2 meter long scythe. he started swinging getting a feel at his new weapon he was happy because it felt natural wielding 2 scythes.