Nami's a gold digger?

After trying his new weapon he then ordered the 2 famines to turn back into their human form, he then immediately brought up the idea of having each famine different color clothing so that he could recognize them. the 2 famines nodded without saying anything and famine - 2 replaced his red clothing into blue ones so seth then gave them a nickname the original famine would be called Red while famine-2 would be called Blue.

He then returned Red and Blue inside the ring, he planned to rest first and be fully recovered before returning to Water 7. seth stayed the whole time inside the room and only went out if he was hungry.

The next day seth was already fully recovered and was now flying towards water 7, upon reaching water 7 he immediately went towards dock 1 and looked for Iceburg to get an update about his ship. when he landed at dock 1 all the workers were looking at him with fear when he looked towards them they immediately averted their gaze in fear that seth might get angry at them.

He shooked his head then continued towards iceburg's building when he entered his office, iceburg who was scanning at the papers looked at him and with weary smile the said " You really caused a huge commotion the other day " hearing this seth just shrugged " It wasn't my fault Mr. marine hero wanted to capture me so I only defended myself, so are they still at the island? "

Iceburg shook his head in response " they already left yesterday, the strawhats are preparing to leave tomorrow because their ship is about to be done. " seth just nodded clearly not interested he asked " so iceburg did you already bought the adam's wood? you know that I can't wait for a long time, so finish my ship as quickly as possible. " iceburg smiled towards seth " The adam's wood were delivered earlier paulie, peepley lulu,tilestone and a bunch of talented shiwright's are now working on your ship if there aren't any misshap your ship would be finished in 2 weeks time."

Seth was already satisfied with this " That's good, why don't you help them so that it would be finished faster? " Iceburg sweated hearing his words he faked a cough " *cough*cough* If I have the time, you can see that Im busy in my office I don't have a secretary that would help me sort this things out." seth nodded he was just teasing iceburg, he then asked where the strawhats were staying and immediately went towards them.

A couple of minutes later he reached the house and went up to knock the door *knock*knock moment's later the door was opened by a beauty woman with raven hair, this was robin he smiled towards her " Hello Ms. Nico Robin nice meet you " he then held robin hands and kissed it.

Robin just smiled at seth's courteous greeting " Hello Mr. Seth are you feeling well already? " he nodded in response then entered the house, upon entering he saw luffy wolfing down a bunch of meat's, zoro was drinking his usual sake, sanji serving food, chopper was eating while nami was depressed looking at the empty vault.

He was looking at each of them he then chuckled looking at nami's devastated look, he approached her then bent downwards patting her shoulder " hey there ms. beautiful why do you have a devastated look? " nami hearing this strange but familiar voice turned her head towards the voice seeing that seth was behind her she immediately stood up then lowered her head blushing " umm ummm it's was nothing just a minor problem."

Zoro who was drinking his sake looked towards the blushing nami then told seth " She's devastated because all the money in the vault were spent when we had our bbq party the other day. " Nami hearing zoro's word she immediately became enraged and threw at vault towards zoro hitting him on the head she shouted at him " SHUT UP! WHO ASKED YOU TO TALK?! JUST DRINK YOUR SAKE LIKE YOU NORMALLY DO AND DON'T BUTT IN ON OTHERS PEOPLE CONVERSATION! "

Seeing nami getting angry from embarrassment seth patted her shoulder saying " don't mind him nami I know how important money is especially when you're travelling and feeding that kind of monster who has insatiable hunger. ( while pointing at luffy was devouring meat )

He then took out five fist size golds and gave it to nami " here take this it should be worth 100,000,000 beli or more " seeing the golds infront of her nami immediately had beli sign eyes she asked "are you seriously giving this to me? hohohohoho thank you so much seth you're really a gentleman. " She then immediately dashed towards zoro and took the vault she put all the golds inside it, fearing that seth would take it back after securing everything she went back to seth.

When seth saw how fast nami moved just to secure the golds he was suprised and thought ( am I really gonna pursue a gold digger? ) he shooked his head ( Nooo, nami just likes money and golds but she wouldn't sell her body just to get those, she would just steal it and make a run for it )

After finishing his thoughts he saw nami looking at him with a blush seeing this seth thought ( now you're blushing? earlier when you moved like flash and secure those golds you didn't even blush not one bit ) he then smiled at her " are you feeling better now? " nami nodded sheepishly in response, seth seeing this wanted to tease her " well I did gave you those golds but there was a price " when nami heard this she was surprised and started to panic she didn't know what seth wanted and she knew she can't stop him from doing whatever he wanted because he is so strong.

Seeing nami panicking seth was amused he was about to tease her again when he saw a raging sanji walking towards him seth got annoyed he immediately sent a deadly glare towards the love cook. sanji seeing seth staring intently at him stopped and swallowed his saliva he thought ( fck! I can't beat this guy, but he is teasing nami-chan I can't just watch her being teased! ) sanji steeled himself and continued walking towards seth.