Chopper is a brave pirate

Seth was amused because he clearly saw sanji hesistated for a moment but decided to bite the bullet still walked towards him when sanji was near he immediately help nami by the waist and brought her close to him, nami was surprised when seth held her in his embrace, she inhaled seth's manly smell and blushed deeply.

When sanji saw nami in seth's embrace he lost it, he shouted at seth " What do you think you're doing to nami chan?! get your filthy hands off of her!! " he immediately kicked aiming at seth's neck " COLLIER SHOOT! " when sanji was about to attack nami tried to stop sanji but seth gave her a gentle smile she backed off praying that sanji won't piss seth off.

In response to sanji's kick seth just used a wind shield completely negating his attack, sanji seeing his attack got defended so easily jumped and then rained kicks on the wind shield "TROISIEME HACHIS"

seth got bored he released 3 wind blades and threw it towards sanji, he dodged the first one but the second and third wind blades hit him on both of his knee cap and immediately fell down holding his knee caps.

Chopper seeing sanji fell down immediately went towards him and checked his knee cap after a thorough check up chopper told him that it was only swollen and put some ice packs on both of his knee caps.

Nami was worried that sanji would be injured, when she heard chopper's assurance she breathed a sigh of relief then looked at seth " Thank you for not injuring him, sanji isn't a bad person he just cares about women especially me and robin." hearing this seth just smiled he then stood up and went towards zoro to get some booze.

Zoro then threw a bottle of sake to seth who was walking towards him " catch! " seth received the bottle " Thanks! " and sat opposite of zoro then started drinking. while seth was drinking zoro asked " So seth do you have any business here at galley-la? " seth nodded " Yes, I'm waiting for my ship to finish iceburg told me it would take 2 weeks time to finish. "

Luffy who was eating heard their conversation and immediately joined them " So seth where are you crew? " seth responded " I still only have my first mate by my side I'm still looking for more " he then looked towards nami and said " So nami do you want to join my crew? " when seth said this the atmosphere became tense. luffy frowned then looked towards nami waiting for her response " ummm I'm sorry seth but I'm already happy with my crew, I already treat them as my family."

Seth hearing nami reject didn't mind he knew it was impossible to invite nami but it wasn't bad to alteast try right? then he laughed " Hahaha it's okay so guys no need to be so tense geeez! you think I'll force such a beautiful and delicate lady against her will? " The strawhats just rolled their eyes at him ( If you chose to force her, do we even have a choice?! )

He continued drinking at the side, seth then remembered something he took a bunch of wanted poster then showed it to them it was the strawhats bounty. He then took a wanted poster that was the only one drawn and showed it to them " Guys, Who is this guy? I still didn't got the chance to meet this guy called " Black Leg Sanji. "

Everyone first had a blank expression then zoro started laughing with tears in his eyes " HAHAHAHAHAHA! you can't recognize him seth? hahahaha he's that guy the one you just beat up earlier" he then pointed toward sanji who had a face who wanted to cry with no tears coming out. Seth then looked at sanji then at the bounty poster he compared the two and shooked his head " You really suffered great injustice love cook maybe one day your proper photo would be released and you would be free from your past."

When seth finished his sentence sanji had a thoughtful look ( Does he know about my past? why do I feel that there's a deeper meaning hidden from the words he said ) sanji then shooked his head and walked towards the kitchen limping.

Seth then showed another bounty poster it was chopper's he said " Hey doc! why is your bounty only 50 beli? " when chopper heard this he teared and continued muttering " I'm a brave pirate , I fought a CP9 agent, I'm a brave pirate, I fought a CP9 agent. " seth pitied the poor deer he said " You know I have an idea how to get a high bounty "

When chopper heard this he immediately looked up to seth with a expectant look, seth then continued " all we need to do is attack a marine base only just the two of us, I'll be sure to give you the spotlight so everyone would know how strong you really are. so how about it doc? wanna go? " chopper immediately shrinked in fear then shooked his head with tears in his eyes " n-nn-nnooo way! I'm already happy with my bounty! I'm a doctor so I dont a high bounty my current is just perfect for me" chopper explained.

Seeing chopper decline he didn't bother the little deer anymore and continued drinking until he and zoro got drunk and slept on the floor. nami seeing the sleeping seth covered him with a blanket disregarding zoro then went back to her room to rest. when nami was already gone seth opened his eyes there was a smile on his face then continued sleeping.