Hard worker

Seth waited for 2 hours before he left the house and flew towards dock 1 he then immediately went inside of iceburg, when he arrived at his office he wasn't inside so seth decided to wait for him to return. 30 mins later iceburg arrived when he saw seth surprised then greeted him "so seth is there something that I could do for you, I know that you wont come to my office without a reason right?"

"You're right iceburg I would like to ask if there are any good shipwrights that you could recommend I would like to recruit one to join my crew." hearing seth's request iceburg wasn't surprised because many pirates would come look for shipwrights in water 7, he was in deep thought trying to think of a suitable shipwright for seth.

After thinking for a couple of minutes iceburg told seth "I think there's one but it would be up to you to persuade him to join you, he's a 21 yr. old from dock 2 his name is Ron" seth thanked iceburg then proceeded towards Dock 2.

Reaching dock 2 seth began to ask the workers where ron is after asking from several workers seth was now standing outside of ron's workshop. he entered the workshop upon entering he saw a man working on blueprint he was 180cm tall, light skinned and black long hair tied in a bun.

The man seeing someone entering his workshop asked "what do you want? Im still busy you can comeback later when im done with this blueprint" seth ignored his words "Are you Ron?" ron nodded "yes that's me so what can I do for you?"

Seth immediately said "Join my crew I need a capable shipwright like you" Ron hearing seth inviting him to become a pirate laughed "hahaha If you're here to invite me to become a pirate, you should take your leave because I don't plan on joining your crew." he then ignored seth and continued his blueprint. seth seeing this shooked his head and went out, he knew that it wouldn't be easy. what he need now is to know ron's background so he would know how to approach him next time. with that in mind he flew back towards dock 1 and ask iceburg about ron's background.

When iceburg saw seth returning after a couple of hours he knew that he failed to invite ron, he then looked towards seth "so you failed huh?" seth nodded in response "I need to know his background first so I would need to trouble you and explain to me about ron's life." iceburg smiled then started explaining "Ron isn't from water 7 he lives on a nearby island north of water 7, but 5 years ago that island got attacked by pirates and both of ron's pirate died his only surviving relative is his little sister. he went to water 7 so that he could earn some money to give his sister a comfortable life."

Iceburg took a cup of water then drank it he then continued "Inorder for him to have a proper income he started working at dock 2 and within his first year on work the head of dock 2 noticed him because of his will to work hard, he then taught ron all of his knowledge about ships and with his tutor guiding him and his hard working attitude he immediately became famous in dock 2."

"So if you really want to invite him to join your crew then you better think of way in order to succeed because ron hate's pirates because of what happened to his parents." now that seth knew why ron rejected him he thanked iceburg then went out, he started thinking of a way to achieve this impossible task.

After thinking for a while seth decided to hold it for the time being and went to find a restaurant because he was starving, after eating his fill seth went back to the house where the strawhat stayed he immediately claimed the house as his own. he rested and will go look for ron the next day because he would go back now that guy would be pissed at him.

Seth then stayed the rest of the day inside the house, the next day seth got up,stretched and went to the a coffee to have his breakfast, after finishing he flew towards dock 2 and go meet ron again. couple of minutes later seth was now again standing outside Ron's workshop when he entered he saw that there was another person inside beside ron it was a little girl that looked 10-12 yrs. old with raven hair and pink dress.

Seeing seth entered the loli shouted at Ron "Big brother you have a visitor!" Ron hearing her little sister turned towards seth "you again? stop pestering me I already told you that I wont be joining your crew." seth ignored ron then went towards the loli "hi there little beauty what's your name?" the loli hearing seth immediately answered "Hello handsome Big brother my name is Ashen forge Zia how about you mister what's your name?"

"My name is Seth nice to meet you Zia, you have a beautiful name" Zia giggled in response clearly happy hearing seth praising her name. "So Big bro seth why are you recruiting big brother ron?" Zia asked why tilted her head in cute manner, seth can't help himself and pinch zia's cheek "Well I wanted your big brother to join my crew because I don't have a shipwright on my ship and your brother is talented so I want to him join me."

Zia hearing his reason immediately became cautious towards seth, she backed off slowly then asked "Are you a Pirate?" seeing zia being cautious seth sighed then shook his head he then looked towards the cautious loli then smiled "Yes I am, but zia pirates have different personalities while there are many bad pirates there are also some good pirates" she then asked "are you a good pirate or a bad one?" seth then walked towards zia and pinch her nose "Ofcourse I'm a good one, you think a bad pirate would be handsome like me?" zia then giggled she was not cautious anymore when she heard that seth was not a bad pirate.