Exploiting ones weakness

Ron seeing seth talking to her sister like they were long time friends spoke "So what are you still doing here? don't tell me you want to court my little sister?" ron said mockingly.

"Ron, I already heard about your past from iceburg I know its hard to trust pirates but do remember that not all pirates are bad there are pirates who help innocent people a good example is whitebeard he liberated countless islands from bad pirates and are now guarding it as his territory. but if you really don't want to join my crew then I can't do anything about it" after finishing talking seth then continued playing with zia.

But ron was really a immovable after thinking about what seth said he then tossed it at the back of his mind then continued working on his blue prints. seth seeing shooked his head thinking (Well if I can't invite you through normal means then I will change my approach hahahaha let's see if you can still deny me) seth had a mischievous look on his face.

While continuing playing with zia seth asked her "Zia are you happy living here on water 7? do you have any friends or other companions except your brother?" the loli shooked her head "No, Big brother is only my companion here and he is always busy and had no time playing with me" zia pouted while speaking then she immediately brightened up "I know! why don't you stay here and play with me big brother seth."

"Well your big brother is also busy" zia hearing had a downcasted look "But, I know a place where you can have many companions to play with and I promise you that you would surely enjoy there" when zia heard that she would have a lots of playmate she jumped in excitement, but when Ron heard this he immediately had a bad feeling.

Seth then had a dejected look on his face "I really want you to go there so that you won't be lonely anymore. but, your big brother ron doesn't want to leave her" ( I knew it! this guy is really planning something and to think he used my little sister!! aaaah!! what a bastard! ) ron was cursing seth in his mind.

Zia hearing this looked at her big brother with watery eyes "Big brother ron you don't want zia to have a lots of playmate? I'm lonely staying here I don't have any companion except you and you're always busy with your work." seth immediately comforted zia "It's not like that zia your big brother only cares for you he's busy because he want's you to have a comfortable life, but if your big brother would join me I would assure you that you would have lots of companion and have a comfortable lifestyle. so its up to your big brother to decide im only worried that zia would be sad staying here with no friends to accompany you haaaay your brother really has it rough if only he would join my crew all your problems would be immediately solved."

Ron was staring daggers at seth (This shameless bastard!! what bullsh*t is he spouting!! haaaaaay!! He really got me good using my sister against me! what a devil!!! ) When zia heard seth she started tearing up because big brother seth was helping her just so that she could have new companions and not be lonely anymore.

She then looked towards his big brother ron now with pleading eyes "Big brother ron please join big brother seth's crew he would solve your problem concerning money and zia would also get new companions to play with he is a good pirate not like those one's who attack our home so please join him zia is really lonely here every since mom and dad died you-"

Ron took a very deep breath and sighed he interrupted zia "say no more, do I even have a choice?" He then looked towards seth who was smiling at him innocently "You bastard really know how to bullsh*t your way through, I accept on becoming your shipwright. you must fulfill your promise to zia and bring here to safe island and have someone take good care of her or else!" when he was speaking his last words there was killing intent coming from his body and seth knew what he wanted to say.

Seth nodded and said "Don't worry ron from now on I would treat zia as if she was my younger sister and I won't let anything bad happen to her."

Zia hearing her brother agreed on joining seth's crew immediately hugged him saying "Thank you big brother ron you're really the best to zia *mua*mua!* yay! zia would have plenty of playmates for now on!" the loli started jumping everywhere in excitement.

"You should prepare your stuff we'll be leaving after my ship would be done" seth told him "ship? so you have a ship being built here? well as your shipwright I should also join them in order to get familiarize with the ship's structure." seth nodded in agreement toward the excited loli saying "Zia you should go home first we'll be leaving in 2 weeks time. me your brother have to go somewhere so be good and stay and home okay?"

The loli nodded then went her way home. Seth and ron then went towards iceburg office, a couple of minutes later they entered his office. seeing seth entering with ron behind him iceburg was shocked the smiled "So you really succeeded in inviting him to join your crew congratulations seth." iceburg said "Thanks, I want to know where my ship is being built because I want ron to join them so that he could get familiarize with the ship structure"

Iceburg nodded "That is true come and follow me I'll lead you to the hanger where your ship is being built" they then exited the office and went towards the place where the ship is being built.

After walking for a couple of minutes seth can see 10-15 people working on building his ship, iceburg then called paulie over moments later a blonde man came towards them. "Paulie this is Ron the famous shipwright from dock 2 he would be the official shipwright of seth's crew so he would be joining you on building the ship."

Paulie was shocked the ron decided to join seth he knew about ron's past he looked towards ron trying to ask why he decided to join. Ron seeing the questioning look he said "Don't even ask how this shameless bastard got me to join his crew." (da*n thinking about what this cunning bastard did really infuriates me!)

Paulie just nodded not pestering ron anymore they then proceeded towards the ship to start working.