Ron's Devil Fruit

After a day of travelling Seth could finally see Azrael, when they were about to get close they were immediately attacked by seth's crew tens cannons flew towards.

Seth chuckled seeing this he blocked the approaching cannon's with his wind then flew towards azrael, when he was above the ship he said "Who dares to attack their captain?! I just left for a couple of days then theirs already Mutiny going on in my ship?!"

When they heard this they looked up then they saw their captain, They immediately rubbed the back of their heads then Jared shouted "Captain!! We're sorry but it is also your fault, you are using a marine warship" the rest of the crew nodded in agreement

Seth smiled then landed on the deck of azrael "hahaha so how many marines got destroyed this past days?" Jared smiled and was about to speak when Ron cut him "We destroyed 4 marine warship's captain!" Jared was annoyed at ron but ignored it then ask "Captain how was it? Is infiltrating Impel down fun?" Seth nodded in agreement.

"Okay, we'll catch up later where is that monkey?" hearing this Jared smile wearily then said "Captain he is currently on our prison cell cuffed with sea prism stone" Seth didn't even ask why he was there because he knew that luffy caused trouble here, he then went to the prison cell.

While he was approaching the cell he could hear luffy screaming "LET ME OUT!! I'M GONNA SAVE ACE!! YOUR CAPTAIN SETH ALREADY KNOW'S THIS SO RELEASE ME NOW!! I NEED TO SAVE MY BROTHER!! AAAAAH!!" seth was shocked because luffy was going crazy right now.

When he approached luffy he said "Shut up will you? you're fucking loud!" when luffy saw seth he immediately toned down then said "Seth release me now, I know that we are near marineford where ace will be executed I need to go there and save ace before it's too late"

Seth was annoyed he told Jared to unlock the cell and he pick luffy up then walked out of the ship, when they were out he saw that Bentham and the rest already boarded azrael with Ivan. He threw luffy at Ivan then said "That monkey will be monitored by you, he is dragon's son Monkey D. Luffy"

Ivan looked at luffy then asked "hey boy are you really dragon's son?" Luffy was first confused then nodded "Yeah, Gramps told me that Monkey D. Dragon is my father" Ivan then asked "Do you know what he looks like?" Luffy shook his head "I didn't even know I had a father" Ivan was now assured that this boy infront of him is really Dragon's child.

He then looked at seth "So seth what is your plan now? the war would likely start tomorrow." seth just sat at a vacant chair then said "I don't know yet, but I'm sure I'll be joining the war I don't care if who wins I just want to give my crew some battle experience and show them how the big shots fight."

Ivan nodded "We will be leaving now in order to come up with a rescue plan" Seth then looked at jinbe "Hey Jinbe you should follow Ivan's group and guard that monkey, you should know he's just a weakling and would die immediately."

Jinbe nodded then followed Ivan to the warship and they set sail, Bentham seeing luffy really wanted to approach him but when he saw his captain serious and looked at luffy with annoyance he hold himself back and just watched luffy leave with Ivan.

Seth then called all the crew members, after gathering all of them Seth then introduced the new members "Okay everyone, This fellows behind me are the newest addition to our crew" he then looked at bentham, seeing his captain look at him bentham stepped forward and introduced himself.

After they finished introducing themselves it was Jared and others turn to introduce themselves after finishing everything seth then shouted "Because we have new members joining our crew we will celebrate with a banquet!" "OOOOOOOOOH!"

They then started celebrating and drank like there's no tomorrow Jared immediately fell in love when he saw Lucy and tried to talk to her, but Lucy completely ignored Jared and just looked at Seth with a glint in her eyes.

Seeing everyone enjoying Seth left them and called Ron they went to the meeting room, Jared also followed behind them. when they reached the room Seth sat on the captain's seat while ron and jared found their own seat's.

Seth then looked at Ron "So Ron you want to eat a devil fruit right?" Hearing this Ron was shocked then said "Ofcourse Captain, but I would like a devil fruit that would compliment my fighting style, as you know I'm good in close combat and don't use any weapons."

Seth nodded hearing this then he took out the more more fruit and threw it at Ron "That fruit is called more more fruit it can enlarge anything you touch but the best part of this fruit is that it can also enhance your strength and speed which would be beneficial to you in close combat"

Ron eyes sparkled hearing seth's explanation and immediately took a bite of the fruit, He then started throwing up which made Seth and Ron watching him suffer.

Seth then looked at Jared then threw a white devil fruit at him "Jared can you identify what kind of fruit this is?" Jared studied the white devil fruit then thought for a moment. he then looked at seth then said "Captain if I'm not wrong this a mythical zoan type fruit called bird bird fruit model Caladrius."

Seth was shocked hearing that it was a mythical zoan fruit he nodded at Jared and stored the devil fruit he would choose a suitable person to eat the fruit.