
After Seth gave Ron his devil fruit and identifying laffite's devil fruit, He then told Jared "Jared do tell the crew members who are partying to finish it early because there would be a big war tomorrow and I want each of them in their top forms or else there's a high chance that they would die"

Jared nodded hearing Seth, he also knew how big the war is going to be tomorrow and those who aren't prepared would likely end up dying, he then got up and went outside to tell everyone about seth's order.

Seth then looked at Ron who was experimenting his devil fruit he stood up then said "Ron do remember to rest well, I'll be going to my cabin and rest because I want to be in my best form tomorrow." Ron nodded at seth then continued experimenting.

Seth looked at Ron and shook his head, he then went to his cabin and immediately laid down to rest.

The next day Seth got up then washed himself after getting ready he then went out of his cabin, he immediately saw Ron practicing his devil fruit, he walked up to him and said "Ron did you sleep properly last night?" Ron looked at seth then nodded "Yes Captain, I'm ready to go! hahaha I can already enhance my speed and the strength of my attacks" Seth smiled hearing Ron.

Seth then went to the dinning room and told the chef to make him some food and coffee, after waiting for a while his food was ready and he started eating, while eating the door opened and Jared went in he greeted Seth "Good Morning Captain!" Seth nodded while still munching on his food.

Jared also ate beside seth after they were done eating Seth said "Jared call every members I want them ready in 10 minutes" Jared nodded then immediately went out to assemble every members.

After 10 minutes of waiting Seth went out, he saw all the crew members were present there were Jared, Ron, Bentham, Galdino, Presley, Sentinel, Lucy, Daz bonez, Crocodile, Shere Khan, Mark(Jared's right hand who ate the bat-bat fruit) and 23 former members of Jared's crew.

"Looks like everybody is here I will now tell what are your roles in the upcoming war. Jared,Ron,Presley, Daz bonez,Crocodile and Shere khan you six must stay together and fight together if any of you disobey this rule you'll experience hell if you ever survive the war got that?! and remember that Presley can enhance your battle strength with his devil fruit" Seth then look at them then stopped at Crocodile.

Everyone nodded including Crocodile, Seth then continued "Mark and the 23 normal members you must stay within the vicinity of the ship and battle the marine foot soldiers, Mark you will be in command while the war starts." Mark and the rest nodded.

Sent then asked Shere Khan "Shere Khan I don't how powerful you are, please enlighten us." Shere Khan nodded then looked at Daz bonez.

Seeing this Daz bonez knew that Khan will fight him to show his powers, so Daz nodded at Khan. When Khan saw Daz nod he immediately dashed towards him "Electro" *bzzzzt!* *BAM!*

Daz seeing the electric attack dodge it immediately but still got scratched, they continued exchanging moves until daz can't defend anymore.

Seth was surprised he didn't knew Khan was this powerful he only thought that the reason he was in level 6 was because of the Celestial dragon.

Seth then stopped their fight and said "Good, I didn't know you were this powerful as I've said earlier you six will group up during the war ans fight together." Khan nodded at seth.

Seth then look at Bentham, Galdino, Sentinel and Lucy "You four will be vital in this war, Follow me" Seth then walked towards the meeting room, Bentham and the others followed behind him.

When they entered the room Seth immediately covered the room with his wind domain so that no one could eavesdrop at their conversation. Seth sat on his captain seat while the others just looked at him waiting for him to speak.

Seth looked at them and said "You four will infiltrate the Marineford base" when Seth said this, the four of them had different expressions Bentham was smiling while Galdino sweated, Sentinel had a serious look and Lucy didn't even care.

He then continued "Sentinel I know that you can make a gate and connect them right?" Sentinel nodded "I would like you to create a portal here in this room" Sentinel then concentrated on a certain spot a couple minutes later a gate portal appeared.

Seth nodded seeing this "Good, Bentham you must disguise all yourselves so that you can infiltrate easily while galdino you would create keys if you can't enter a door or something and Lucy if someone caught you guys you must manipulate their minds and make them forgot ever seeing you, and if you don't know the lay out of marineford just find someone and manipulate them to be your tour guide." They all nodded at seth's instruction.

"Now the most important part of this mission, You four must search for the "Rokushiki Manual" of the marines, and if you saw any devil fruits or golds you must steal them also understand?" he then looked at Sentinel "Sentinel you will be their escape route, search for a good spot to make a gate portal so that after finishing your mission you could escape immediately"

Sentinel nodded and said "Don't worry Captain, this is what I'm good at and I won't leave any traces"

Seth smiled hearing this "That's good, I believe that you can complete this mission. and there won't be any strong marines to guard the building so you can easily knock them out and manipulate them to your will."

Seth then stood up and walked outside while the four of them was still inside the meeting room, planning for their secret mission to steal the "Rokushiki Manual" and devil fruits from Marineford.

When he walked out, seth saw everyone preparing for the upcoming war. He saw Daz bonez then called him when Daz approach seth he asked "What is it Captain?" Seth released his wind domain and said "If Crocodile ever disobeyed my orders will you follow him or will you stay?"

Daz bonez was surprised then smiled "Captain, don't worry I only follow those who are strong and trust worthy and you are both. So from now on I will pledge my loyalty to you." Daz then kneeled at Seth, making the latter smile.

"That's good, if crocodile ever go awol just leave him be. I will settle him after the war." Daz nodded then left to prepare his stuff.