Seth fcked up

Seth started spinning his scythe dashed towards kizaru and kuzan. "Kuzanagi Sword!" "Ice Saber" kizaru and kuzan also wielded their own weapons. *Clink!* *Clink* Seth deflected kizaru's and kuzan's attacks while attacking them at the same time.

Seth smiled while fighting "Nice to see you again kizaru, do you still miss your arm?" kizaru got ticked and kicked towards Seth, seeing the kick seth jumped backwards to create some space he then looked at whitebeard "Hey old man, can't you give me a "HAND" here?"

Whitebeard didn't got seth's joke and said "I think you could handle the both them all by yourself why do you need my help?" seth got annoyed then said "You didn't get the joke? I was obviously teasing about Kizaru's missing arm hayss whatever!" kizaru lose it hearing seth joking about his severed arm.

He dashed at seth leaving kizaru behind, seeing this seth smiled (hahaha, just what I wanted) seth then parried kizaru's attack, then countered it with a slash he was just playing kizaru with his scythe because while spinning it, he can defend while at the same time attack.

Kuzan seeing Kizaru's state of mind appeared behind him and tossed him backwards "Kizaru you need to cool off! or else you would easily lose. Can't you see he's purposely making you mad to throw you off?" Kizaru hearings Kuzan's word managed to calm down a bit.

Seth clicked his tongue seeing this he immediately jumped besides whitebeard, whitebeard was surprised that seth approached him again he asked "What do you want this time brat?!" Seth smiled then threw a head towards whitebeard "Take this, It's my gift for our first meeting hope you like it."

Whitebeard was shocked to the core because the head seth threw him was Blackbeard's head, and the one who was responsible for this war. He looked at the severed head then smashed it to smithereens. He then looked at seth "Thank you for that brat, This old man owes you a favor"

Seth laughed "hahaha, Don't mind it too much I only met him by coincidence and he wanted to steal my devil fruit so I just finished him off. I didn't do it for you old man so no need being so courteous towards me." Whitebeard just smiled at seth and didn't say anything else.

While seth was fighting kizaru and kuzan, his crew already docked Jared,Ron,Presley,Daz,Khan and Crocodile were currently fighting 3 rear admirals while Bentham's group were no where to be found they were already in their disguise so no one even seth could recognize them.

Luffy was doing his own stuff while Ivan and Jinbe were guarding beside him, Seth then ask at whitebeard "So old man why are you not joining the war?" whitebeard was quiet for a moment then said "I'm saving my energy you do know that I'm already old so I can't fight that much"

Seth nodded hearing him "Old man, If you ever survive this war I can help you with your health problems that is if you survive" Whitebeard laughed "Gurararara, To think that a stranger would help me." Seth smiled "Hehehe, I didn't really want to but you're different from the other pirates. you created a crew in order to gain a family not for power or anything but for love, and I respect that."

Whitebeard was surprised at seth's words "gurarara, Brat I really like you" Seth was creeped out "Old man, I don't swing that way you know? And I already have a wi-" Seth was stunned (Right my wife! Oh I'm sooo dead!!) Whitebeard looked at seth's weirdly "What wi- brat?"

Seth laughed then said "Wait for me here I'll fetch my wife first" Whitebeard was shocked hearing this and looked at seth disappeared beside him.

Seth then appeard above the battlefield he scanned his surrounding then suddenly he saw his lovely wife looking towards him with a pout, seeing this seth just smiled because he knew he fcked up big time, he forgot about his wife!! (Haaay, All that acting cool earlier really made me forget about my beautiful wife)

He then appeared infront of hancock then smiled "Hello there beautiful, sorry for coming late. I was busy fighting 2 admirals." Hancock just rolled her eyes at seth "Yea yea, Now bring me back, I don't like being on this side." Seth nodded then princess carried hancock disappearing form their position,

Seth then went back towards whitebeard while carrying Hancock, "I'm back old man meet my wife Boa Hancock, Princess great the old man" Whitebeard had his eyes wide open seeing seth bring hancock and telling him the she was his wife.

It was not just Whitebeard, everbody including the marines and pirates were looking at seth with wide eyes and their mouths opened. Akainu then shouted "Hancock! To think that you would betray the world government!! I'll be sure to destroy your Island after this war."

When Seth heard Akainu's threat he immediately released his conqueror's haki shocking whitebeard who was beside him. seth then said "Old man I'll leave my wife here for the moment, so I hope you protect her for the time being." Whitebeard grinned "Don't worry brat, just do what you want."

Hancock kissed seth's cheek and said "Be careful dear" Seth nodded then disapperead, no one could even see seth because he was now on his "berserk form" He immediately appeared beside Akainu "Heh! To think that a puny dog would dare threaten my wife's home." *BANG!* Seth kicked akainu sending him flying backwards.

Seth didn't stop there, he disappeared from his spot and appeared behind the flying akainu kicking him upwards *BANG!* He continued thrashing akainu left and right, Everybody was shocked seeing this to think that an Admiral could be seen being trashed by a young man.

Whitebeard laughed then looked at hancock "Gurararara, I didn't think your husband would be this protective towards you, I'm starting to pity akainu seeing his current state." Hancock just smiled hearing Whitebeard she knew that if someone tried to harm her or her home seth would tear them apart.