
Akainu who was being thrashed left and right didn't even know what happened, all he remebered was hearing seth's voice beside him and he was sent flying.

Akainu recovered from his earlier shock then punched towards the ground "Great Eruption" *BOOOM!* Seth seeing Akainu recovered jump backwards and dispelled his berserk form. he still can't stay on that form for too long or else he would be drained.

After his attack Akainu was now breathing heavily while looking at seth with bloodshot eyes "You will pay for that pirate!" Seth rolled his eyes hearing Akainu "Bla bla bla, just shut up dog, Just a friendly advice don't even think about touching my wife or her home. Because if you do I'll be sure to kill you!" Seth then released his conqueror's haki.

The marines who were in the vicinity immediately fainted, while some marine captains were trying their best just to stay conscious.

Seth then disappeared in front of akainu and went back to Hancock's side (I need to buy some time for Bentham's group to finish their mission) When he reached hancock he held her waist then said "How about it princess? you liked how I thrashed that dog?" Hancock giggled at seth's word, she knew that he was showing off again.

Whitebeard then spoke "Hey brat don't be too overconfident with yourself." Seth nodded "I know old man, I always fight seriously especially if my enemy is an admiral"

Whitebeard nodded then asked seth "Brat, do you mind helping this old man in saving his son?" Seth looked at whitebeard then ask "What's in it for me?"

"I know that after this war you would be going to the new world, so I will give you 4 islands that will be under your name" Seth thought for a moment then shook his head "Is that all? You do know that with my power I can easily take 4 islands"

Whitebeard nodded "I know that, But who will guard your territory if you aren't there?" Seth smirked "Don't worry about that old man, change the reward I don't like your territories" whitebeard then thought for a moment "I can't even think of any offer that you would like, so how about this if you ever need anything and if it's within my power I will do my best to accomplish it."

Seth nodded hearing whitebeard "That's plausible, okay then you got yourself a deal old man" whitebeard smiled hearing seth's answer.

"So, do you have any plans? don't tell me I'll have to battle those admirals, that would really be a pain in the a*s." whitebeard laugh "Gurararara, You really know how to bullshit brat, you can easily severe kizaru's right arm and here you are complaining about fighting him again."

Seth rolled his eyes "Easily? who on earth told you that it was fcking easy? and now there are three of them with two looking at me with bloodshot eyes!!"

Seth then looked at hancock "Princess you stay here at the old man's ship and just watch the war, I know you're strong but it's still better safe than sorry" Hancock nodded and kissed seth "Don't worry about me dear and concentrate on your battles."

He smiled at hancock then turned towards whitebeard "Old man, I'll handle kizaru and akainu while you tell marco or that diamond guy to handle aokiji. I don't want to battle three admirals at the same time I'm no GOD who can defeat them all." Whitebeard nodded hearing Seth and immediately ordered Marco to distract Aokiji so that Seth can concentrate on the other two.

Seth then disappeared from the moby dick and appeared infront of akainu and kizaru, Seth was prepared to fight both of them but what akainu said shocked seth, "Kizaru don't interfere with my fight with that pirate I can handle him by myself!" Kizaru wanted to refute akainu but the latter immediately dashed towards Seth.

Seth was really happy hearing Akainu's words and gave him a thumbs up "Good Job doggy! that was a wise decision now let's continue our little fight" Akainu ignored seth then immediately punched towards him "Great Eruption!"

Seeing the incoming attack Seth dodge swiftly "Come on doggy! you don't have any other attacks?!" he then materialaze a big electric wind arrow and shot towards akainu "GO!" *swooooooosh!*

Akainu seeing the arrow approaching him didn't dodge and punched at it "Great Eruption" Seth just rolled his eyes seeing Akainu's "common" attack.

While Seth was fighting Akainu, Jared and the others were still fighting the 2 rear admirals. Jared and Ron teamed up fighting a rear admirals while daz and khan also teamed up, crocodile was alone facing a rear admiral while presley was behind them enhancing their strength while playing a flute.

Ron then shouted "more more tenfold speed!" *swooooh!* his speed increased tenfold immediately appearing infront of the rear admiral then he punched towards his gut "more more tenfold strength!" *BANG!* the rear admiral flew backwards.

But Jared was already waiting for the incoming rear admiral he unsheated his sword "Sleeping Sword Style: ETERNAL SIESTA!" *shing!* *splaaaash!* they both defeated the nameless rear admiral.

While Jared and Ron defeated the rear admiral, Shere Khan and Daz bonez was still fighting a rear admiral. "Electric Paw!" Khan dashed towards the rear admiral and attacked using his paws covered with his electro.

The rear admiral managed to dodge khan's paws, but he was distracted because of Khan's electro. Daz didn't waste this opportunity and immediately appeared behind the rear admiral and beheaded him.

Crocodile also finished his fight, He can easily defeat a rear admiral with the help of prelsey's enhance enhance fruit.

Inside Marineford's Base

Bentham, Galdino, Sentinel and Lucy were still disguised as marine's, Lucy manipulated a marine who was guarding the building to lead them to the vault.

After walking for a while they finally reached a big door the unknown marine said "This is were the important stuffs are placed." Sentinel then chopped the unknown marine in the back of neck to make him faint.

Galdino immediately took action to make a key so that they could open the vault, after a couple of seconds *clink!* the vault opened they immediately entered, what they saw made them dumbstruck because there were a lot of golds and devil fruits.

They immediately took action while sentinel made a gate portal for them to escape, Bentham ignored the golds and devil fruits he was looking for the "Rokushiki Manual" which was their main goal.

After searching for a while he found a chest and called Galdino to unlock it. After unlocking the chest they found a book inside with a name "Rokushiki Manual" they were immediately happy.

"Grab all the devil fruits and golds, we already found the Manual that captain told us! It's time to escape!" Bentham said, the others nodded and immediately threw all the devil fruits at the gate portal.

After clearing everything they jumped at the gate portal and disappeared, a couple of seconds later the portal inside the vault also disappeared leaving an empty room.