
While Whitebeard, Seth and his crew where talking like there was no war going on, Doflamingo dashed towards seth and attacked him "Five Color Strings!* seeing the incoming strings seth blocked it using his scythe *DING!*

Seth then looked towards Doflamingo who was floating above "The fck idiot? Can't you see that we were still talking, are you fcking blind or is that glasses of yours is so dark that you can't see properly?"

"Fufufufufufu, It's so nice to finally meet you Seth. How's the devil fruit you stole from me?" Doflamingo laughed but he was clearly pissed at Seth.

Seth suddenly remembered that he stole his devil fruit from doflamingo's black market "Oh right! I almost forgot about that, Thanks for the fruits "Doodoo" *pfft!* "Gurarararara!" Whitebeard laughed hearing Seth calling doflamingo "Doodoo" he didn't know why but it sounded funny and couldn't help but laugh.

Hancock and the rest were also giggling at the side, Doflamingo seeing them laughing at him got irritated but he still calmed himself then smiled "Don't be so happy Hancock, we'll see if you can still laugh when I'll kill your beloved husband in front of you."

Hancock hearing Doflamingo's threat frowned she was about to speak but she felt someone patting her head "There there princess, Do you really think that he can kill me? It's true that he's strong but he still can't kill me even if he brought all of his crew" Seth smiled sweetly at Hancock.

Hearing seth's words Hancock calmed down and kissed seth.

Seth then looked at doflamingo and asked "So Doodoo you want to fight now? or will you wait for me at the new world?" Doflamingo really wanted to rip seth up right now, but he knew that he can't do it here. There was still a war going on and if he fight seth he wouldn't be sure that he could survive because whitebeard was with him.

"Fufufufufu, Enjoy why you still can Seth, I'll be waiting for you in the New world so be sure to wash your neck." Doflamingo then flew back.

Whitebeard spoke seeing Doflamingo leave "Brat, Why do you have so many enemies? and they are all strong." Seth just shrugged then said "Beats me, Maybe it's because of my charm and they are jealous that I'm more handsome than they are so they want to kill me."

Hancock and his crew shook their heads hearing their captain. Whitebeard didn't even bother and just looked at the battlefield completely ignoring seth.

Seth seeing their reactions just walked beside whitebeard and also looked at the battlefield, He then asked "So old man, I think it's time for you to make your move. the war is going on your favor seeing that oars jr. already breached the bay area."

Whitebeard nodded hearing Seth "You're right brat, I'll leave my beloved son in your hands so please don't disappoint me."

"Don't worry about Ace old man, I'll make sure he will survive this war. It's you who I'm worried about even though we just met I really respect you for doing everything you can just to save one of your son." After finishing his speech seth looked at his crew.

"You guys go and fight in the battlefield, be sure to team up because you still can't fight individually" They nodded hearing seth and jumped off the ship to look for their opponents.

Hancock knew that Seth won't let her join the war so she went towards him and gave him a deep kiss then said "Go dear, Like I said don't worry about me. Even though I can't fight an admiral I could still put up a good fight facing a vice admiral."

Seth nodded hearing Hancock then flew towards the bay area of marineford. While whitebeard jumped off his ship causing a shockwave at the battlefield.

Everybody was looking towards whitebeard because the strongest man is finally joining the war. A giant immediately dashed towards whitebeard thinking that he could catch whitebeard off guard, But whitebeard dodge his attack swiftly and punched his head with full force.

Seth seeing this just smiled and continued flying towards the bay area.

Upon reaching the bay area he saw luffy fighting with a vice admiral while Ivan,Inazuma and Jinbe were also fighting their own opponents.

He was looking for Jared and the rest, when finally he spotted them. They were fighting against 2 vice admirals, Jared,Ron and Khan teamed up while Daz and crocodile also teamed up fighting against a vice admiral Presley was behind them playing his flute supporting them.

While Seth was busy watching his crew fighting the two vice admirals. a rear admiral who thought that seth was distracted immediately sneaked at seth then slash his sword, Seth already knew that a marine was trying to sneak attack him so he simply blocked the sword attack and beheaded him using his scythe.

Red was really having a great time, maybe this was the greatest time he ever had because he was continuously feeding on the corpses blood both marines and pirates.

When the people saw that the corpses blood were twirling around seth's scythe, they now knew why seth was called "Blood Scythe Seth" because he really looked like a devil at this time with a bloody scythe on his hand.

Seth just walked leisurely on the battlefield he wanted to feed red first before he fights again. when suddenly vice admiral Ronse and vice admiral Lacroix blocked seth's path. they were giants so Seth gaze above to see their faces.

He asked "You really want to block me giants?" Ronse and Lacroix didn't reply and immediately attacked seth.

Lacroix slashed towards Seth while Ronse swung his big axe downwards, Seth just smirked seeing their attacks. He then converge wind and lighting on both ends of his scythe then started spinning it.

"You guys are really impatient huh? Let's see if you can survive my attack!"