Death everywhere!!

Seth waited for the approaching attacks and deflected it with his scythe. he then dashed towards Lacroix spinning his scythe "Destruction spin" Lacroix immediately raised his sword to deflect the incoming attack.

Seeing Lacroix trying to defend seth snorted in disdain "Don't think you can even had the chance to defend yourself take this!" Seth attacked Lacroix's sword immediately destroying it. Lacroix didn't even had the time to react. He only saw the incoming scythe and the next instant he fell down he saw the lower part of his body was gone.

Seth sliced him in half! Ronse teared up seeing his comrade die and immediately clad his big axe in haki and swung towards Seth.

Seth did the same to Ronse he broke his big axe then sliced him in half. after killing both giants Red immediately started feeding on their blood.

The other vice admirals wanted to avenge their comrade but they knew that they can't beat seth and only death awaits them if they ever fight seth.

Sengoku who saw seth killing two of his vice admiral giants gritted his teeth in anger, he looked at garp and said "Garp! go deal with that brat!" Garp didn't even look at Sengoku and just sat there looking at luffy who was running towards them.

Seeing garp ignore him sengoku really wanted to jump down and deal with seth once and for all but he knew that ace was their top priority he then shouted "Proceed with the execution!" Whitebeard was shocked hearing Sengoku.

He immediately dashed towards ace but was blocked by aokiji, he gritted his teeth then looked towards seth with hope in his eyes.

Seth looked at Sengoku then said "Oy Sengoku! that's cheating you know? It's still not time for the execution." Whitebeard really wanted to smash Seth seeing him being lazy and still had the time to complain at Sengoku.

Sengoku ingored seth and nodded towards the executioners, as the executioners were about to kill ace suddenly *phew!*phew!* 2 lighting spikes pierce their heads killing them immediately,

Whitebeard grinned seeing this and continued fighting aokiji, Sengoku was on the brink of insanity seeing seth killing the executioners.

While Seth was still feeding Red, he then ask "Sengoku, why do you need the executioners to kill ace? isn't that just for show? and they're so weak I can kill thousands of them if I wanted to."

Sengoku was greeting his teeth and ordered for a new executioner to come, while garp was sighing in relief because Ace didn't die. he was thinking if he should just save ace and don't care about the consequence anymore.

Seth knew that it would take time before the new executioners will appear so he looked for potential opponents. He really didn't know why they need the executioners to kill ace, they could just behead him themselves but Seth didn't care because it was beneficial to him. he didn't need to keep watch on ace every time fearing that Sengoku might just kill ace immediately.

After feeding Red, Seth then started walking leisurely on the battle field. He saw Bentham and his group fighting vice admiral Doberman. they were fairing well but seth knew that they can't beat him yet.

When he glanced towards Hancock he immediately got ticked because there were 2 rear admirals who were attacking her, fortunately Hancock easily deflected their attacks so seth didn't mind it that much but if he saw that she was even slightly injured those 2 rear admirals will experience hell on earth.

While seth was watching Hancock fight. Jared, Ron, and Khan were now on the verge of defeating the vice admiral who was known as Scar.

Khan punched towards the vice admiral scar "Electro!" *bzzzt!* but scar dodge it in time, Ron then appeared behind the him and kicking his ribs "More more tenfold kick *BOOM!* Scar parried the attack with his armament haki.

Jared was breathing heavily and was kneeling with one leg he had a hole in his left shoulder, earlier he was using his devil fruit to weaken Scar's body parts. Scar was confused at first then he realized that Jared had a devil fruit which can weaken his body parts, so he immediately used soru then shigan.

Jared who was caught off guard was pierced in his shoulder.

Jared was gritting his teeth in frustration, he stood up and unsheated his sword "Sleeping sword style: Death's slumber" *Shing!* Scar who just parried Ron's attack felt that his body was weakening.

He then looked beside him he saw Jared was approaching him slowly but he can't move because his body was in a paralyze state. Jared then slashed at scar's head beheading him *splassh!* blood was gushing out from scar's body.

After killing Scar, Jared immediately fell down and was unconscious Ron and Khan was surprised seeing Jared's attack and snapped back when they saw Jared fall down. They carried Jared and was watching Daz,Crocodile and Presley battling another Vice admiral who was known as "Ted"

Ted was fighting Daz and crocodile when he saw his comrade being beheaded, he went mad seeing Scar's head fly off from his body. he clad both of his arms in haki then attack Daz and crocodile like a mad man.

Crocodile seeing that their opponent wasn't focused and was blindly attacking them immediately used his sand to pierce his legs. *phew!* *splash!* Ted's right leg was pierced by crocodile but he didn't even felt it and continued on attacking Daz.

Daz smirked seeing the mad man, He looked at crocodile and step backwards to prepare his attack. crocodile seeing this immediately barraged ted with his sand attacks.

Ted who was busy deflecting crocodile's sand didn't even notice daz who was behind him. Daz appeared behind Ted then attacked "Chaotic Slash!" *Slaaash!* *splassh!* Ted's body was split in half.

Crocodile and Daz then went towards presley who was already exhausted because he was supporting them non stop with his devil fruit and was now running empty

Ron and Khan then approached Daz's group "You finished fighting?" Daz nodded "Yeah we are done what happened to jared?"

"He was exhausted and was injured by that vice admiral" Daz nodded hearing this, Then khan said "I think we should go back to the ship and rest because if we continue on fighting we would surely die."

They all nodded in agreement and decided to head back to Azrael and recuperate.