The end is near

Seth who was watching hancock's fight noticed Ron's group finishing their fight and smiled he knew that they fought well and needed to rest so he didn't stop them from retreating.

Seth then observed the battlefield he saw luffy was getting near the execution platform so he dashed towards luffy's group and followed behind them.

Ivan was the first to notice seth and asked him "What are you doing here seth?" he replied "Well I got a deal with whitebeard and needed to secure Ace safely or else that old man would flip out."

Ivan was shocked he didn't expect whitebeard to trust Seth this much. Seth then continued "Just do what you want, my job here is to free ace and block any strong opponents."

They were already below the execution platform and Inazuma used his devil fruit to make a bridge reaching ace's position, Luffy then immediately ran towards ace when suddenly *BOOM!* garp blocked luffy's path.

"Grandpa! Please move!" Luffy shouted with a pleading voice, Garp gritted his teeth and said "There's no way I'll step aside! I am a Vice Admiral from Navy HQ! If you want to get past me, then It'll be over my dead body Straw Hat Luffy!"

Luffy was shocked hearing his grandpa's word but he gritted his teeth and pleaded again "Please grandpa! I need to save ace he is my Brother!" Garp was clearly hesitating but he clenched his fist and shouted "I've told you already! If you want to get past me, then it'll be over my dead body!"

Luffy knew that his grandpa won't tell him past so he used "Gear Second" and dashed towards garp punching him "Gomu gomu no pistol!" garp was about to counter but he suddenly remembered how he trained luffy and their moments together he clenched his teeth and took the punch.

*BAM!* luffy's punch threw garp off the stone bridge, while falling garp looked at luffy and smiled he had tears in his eyes.

Luffy continued his way towards Ace, he jumped off the bridge and landed infront of ace "Huh Huh, Ace! Finally! I finally reached you!" Luffy smiled at ace.

Ace smiled towards his little brother "Luffy! You're one hell of a guy!" Luffy was grinning from ear to ear, but suddenly he realized that he didn't have the key to release ace's cuffs.

Luffy was still thinking on what to do when suddenly "Luffy! Catch!" He saw that seth threw him a key. Sengoku was shocked seeing the key because he knew that it was the key for ace's hand cuffs, he tried to steal it but seth appeared behind him.

"There there Sengoku I thought you wanted me dead right? so here I am!" *BOOM!* Seth kicked Sengoku with his Tempest kick, but sengoku blocked it with his golden hand. Sengoku started shinning and was getting bigger he activated his great buddha devil fruit.

Seth smirked seeing this, he saw luffy already freed ace and they were on their way towards whitebeard.

Seeing ace already been freed he knew that his job was done, the only thing he had to do now was to leave but he knew sengoku won't let him leave so easily.

Sengoku knew that Seth wanted to escape so he immediately attacked him "Impact Wave!" Seth didn't have the time to dodge he gritted his teeth and blocked it with another attack "Destruction Slash!" *BOOOOM!* the two attacks collided destroying the execution platform.

Seth and Sengoku landed still staring at each other, Sengoku didn't even speak and immediately dashed towards seth "Soru!" sengoku appeared in front of seth then attacked "Buddha's Palm!" *BOOM!* seth didn't reacted on time and was hit by sengoku's palm he was blasted away and crashed into a stone wall.

Seth removed the rubble's on top of him and wiped off the blood from his mouth. He looked at sengoku then smiled "You're really strong sengoku, worthy of being a fleet admiral." Seth then immediately used his "Berserk form" and dashed towards Sengoku.

Sengoku already saw seth's form when he trashed Akainu earlier so sengoku was alert and was waiting for seth to appear.

While he was observing his surroundings seth appeared beside him and kicked him in the stomach "Destruction Kick!" *BOOOM!* sengoku was shocked because seth was so fast he didn't even had time to defend.

Sengoku was now clutching his stomach he immediately healed himself "Healing Sarira" Sengoku took a golden sarira and spoke some words that seth couldn't hear and his injured stomach got healed.

Seth was shocked seeing sengoku healed himself so easily, he knew that this fight would be tough.

While seth and sengoku were fighting, Ace and luffy was still running towards the whitebeard pirates. Whitebeard seeing ace safe and sound smiled and looked towards seth who was fighting sengoku.

He then ordered his crew "Everyone retreat immediately! Ace is already safe there's no need to keep on fighting!"

"OOOOOOOOOH!" the whitebeard pirates and their allies immediately prepared to retreat when suddenly *BOOOM!*

Akainu, Aokiji and Kizaru blocked their paths. "You pirates scum you think you can leave this place alive?!" Akainu shouted.

Whitebeard frowned seeing the 3 admirals blocking them with a couple of Vice admirals behind them. He immediately ordered Marco and the rest to take care of the vice admirals while he would fight those 3 admirals.

Marco and the rest immediately agreed and went to fight the vice admirals, Whitebeard was about to approach Akainu and the others when suddenly Aokiji and Kizaru blocked his path.

"Hmp! you think you could win against 3 admirals whitebeard?! 2 is enough to bring you down" Aokiji said then immediately attacked whitebeard while kizaru supported him.