Adventure Time| Finn and Jake

The time had kept swirling and swirling until ooo looked more alive. The grasslands of ooo had been greener and the boy had held on to the sword. He looked like he was blonde under the hat. He wore a blue shirt and he screamed and fell backwards.

A yellow magic dog had came over from the other side of the lake, "Finn be careful dude. We don't want you to get hurt do ya'?"

Finn shook his head, "Thanks Jake, ya know...ever since there was the war and Fern died... I don't really know what else to explore."

Jake sighed and patted his brother on the back.

"Don't worry dude. You'll be alright. Say where's (Y/n) at?"

Finn shrugged, "maybe out with the princesses again. Who knows"

Jake sighed, "you know dude. I think Fern would have been proud of you you for making a new treehouse on the mountain...but it's been six months since the gumball war..."

Finn sighed deeply, "yeah I guess you're right." Jake wrapped his arms around Finn in multiple times as a hug gesture.  Finn hugged Jake back and Jake allowed his arms to go back to normal and Jake sat down next to Finn, "Finn. You know. If your dad will ever come back?"

Finn shook his head and then sighed, "no. Jake...but I have you and Mom that's what matters."

"You're a good kid dude."

"You too Jake"

As the boys had kept looking out at the ocean. Finn had looked at the sword, and remembered all of the good times he had with Fern. Even though... Some were really bad...


(Y/n) P.o.v

As it began to grow dark, I walked along with the other girls. Lsp was finally queen of lumpy space. No other princesses can judge her any more. She was the hero who saved us from that aweful transformation into people who aren't us based on the emotions we had.

Although I missed Fern dearly.

I only can be here for him. Every day I would walk by the tree it would grow bigger and bigger each year.

I told the girls it was getting late and I should go home to check on Finn and Jake. They said goodbyes when I did afterwards.


When I gotten to ferns tree at sundown I put my hand on it wishing he was here with me. I wanted to help him as much as I could even when he had made all of those mistakes...

He meant well.

There was a hustle in the bushes and then a girl emerged from them. A girl with long brown hair and dark eyes. She had a green cloak and everything on her was a dark green and there was a flower crown on her head.

"WHO ARE YOU!" (Y/N) screamed.

The girl only walked calmly over to the tree and she spoke, "I can bring him back..."
