•|Fern and Ivy|•


"What do you mean you can bring him back?" You yelled at the girl.

"I'm connected to Fern. I can try and bring him back with a angels soul." She said, the wind picked up and brushed against them both.

You had looked at the tree and back at the girl again.

"Where do we start?"

She gotten up and had looked at the sword that was in the top branch and had made a duplicates of the Finn sword. She put down the satchel from under her bag and had gotten out a serum of the old demon spider that controlled ferns body. She had gotten another file out and had added two drops of a white liquid and then there was a flower with a familiar face.

It was Fern!

The girl had gotten up and put the sword duplicate back into the old spot. She hopped off the tree and had picked up the satchel and put it back in her waistband. She had gave a small smile and had picked up the Fern flower as it peered open his eyes.

She looked Like she knew Fern and knew him kinda well...

"Who are you anyways?"

"I'm Ivy." She smiled a warm charming smile that the plant had only kept eyes on her.

"Ivy? Are you human?" Y/n asked, sure I was human too. But if she was and if she knew Fern was she dating him? Or was it just a little odd about her.

"Yes. I'm human. But I used to have a few friends who were great at science...of course I don't remember much of my past but... What's your name?"

"I'm (Y/N), I'm another human. But how did you know Fern?"

She gently allowed the flower to wrap around her wrist.

She smiled slightly and had started talking in a comfortable tone:

"I was----"

Ivys' P.O.V

-I was walking in the forest of ooo. It was somewhat unfamiliar. Unexplored or abandoned even. The grass was soft against my bear feet as I had trotted along to start whistling with birds.

The sky was a beautiful red. Almost close to pink strawberry faded into the rest of the sky torwards the sun.

I heard something from a distance it had been a motter running.

I had never heard of the sound before. Usually I never hear anyone come this way. As I listened carefully it came to a crashing hult.

I jumped as a pair of eyes laid on mine. It was a guy made of sweet grass, he put on the green hat covering his beautiful long hair with flowers entangled in it.

My heart skipped a beat when I seen him, "who are you?" He asked. "I'm...Ivy." he had looked stressed and tired.

"You look stressed out..." There was concern in my eyes, I wanted to try and help as many people as I possibly can. I didn't really know him yes but I still want to do the best I can.

"Yeah... I am..." The motorcycle had puffed and shut off. "Oh. Looks like I'm out of sugar oil..."

I tilted my head. He was a strange guy but he made me feel a certain way I couldn't explain...

"You can follow me if you like Sir."

He looked at me in a most surprised way. He seemed a little bit tense as well...

"I'm Fern... You don't have to call me sir."

He shyly said.

"How long have you been driving that for sir?"

He sighed, "I don't know...I've never seen this part of ooo before...at all..."

He sounded shocked but sad.

"Well...I'm the only one who lives in this part...." I said.

I felt his eyes on me in almost a sympathetic way, "I know how that feels...to be alone to feel like you're living in the shadows..."

"Well...the way I see it I'm never alone."


"I have you here now. My hero..."

Fern had blushed slightly, he's always wanted to hear those words. And finally he did....


After a few more minutes, Fern pushed the motorcycle in the direction of my cabin house. It had looked simple but small. Made of spruce wood as it smelled as pine around,

Fern set up startchys midlife crisis and had looked over at me with worry but softened when he seen me.

"Want to come inside?"

He nodded his head and had followed behind me.

I had looked to see his reaction and for the first time he had been here he smiled, I blushed and had kept on walking through the house and showed him the guest room, bathroom, kitchen, my bedroom last but we both went back to the living room.

"it's really nice here..."

I smiled a polite smile, "Thank you Fern."

He gave a slight small smile back, "you know...you can stay here for as long as you want..." I said sweetly to him. It made him blush and shrug, "I don't see the harm in that," I agreed with him.



"Wow...so that's where he went with starchies motorcycle," I said,

The little Fern flower had been staring at ivy as if she was the most beautiful girl in the world. As I noticed it was getting dark and I had then thought,

'What would Finn think about her?'
