-Finn and Jake-


As we were walking back to the new house Finn was building Jake had gave him a cup of water after he panted.

I looked at Ivy making sure she was okay... She looked little nervous- she reminded me of Fern...

Ivy slightly had hid behind me probably scared of new people I guess... I thought to myself.

"You don't have to be afraid they are really friendly---"

"Y/N! Where have you been? It's been three and a half hours!" Jake said then both Finn and Jake gasped as ivys' hood fell onto her back of shoulders.

"Um...hi" she said shyly.

Finn had walked closer and she stepped back, "hey. No need to be afraid. Who are you?"

Finn asked curiously.

"I'm Ivy..."

"She is bringing Fern back finn...."

Finns eyes widened, "what?"

Ivy nodded, "I knew Fern... really well... He is fine..."

"Can I see him?" Finn asked concerned.

"Yes ..." Ivy said sweetly and gently held out her wrist. There was a flower with ferns face on it,

"Slammacow! How did you do it? Not even PB could have brought him back!."

Ivy tried to explain it too him as best as he could understand,

"Fern was a human soul being carried in the body of a plant. If I had his original place and the spiders demon body of a cacoon I mixed it with a angels tear and created a holy body for him. Now he has the will to do whatever he wishes to do. In his grass form."

"Oh yeah and how did you get a angels tear?"  Jake said crossing his arms as he looks suspiciously at ivy.

Ivy had then spoken, "from the heavens...I was brought to it from the wish master prismo."

"Prismo??" The boys yelled at the same time.
