|•-Prismo and Simon-•|

Prismo had looked at the poor guy with sympathy.

A young man who had lost his Betty to bring her back he wanted to make one wish from prismo to turn back time...but prismo couldn't give this man false hope so he could not bring Betty back.

Then a girl had walked up to the wish master. That girl had been Ivy. Simon had looked shocked as well as cosmic owl and prismo.

"Who are you?" The cosmic owl spoken.

"I'm Ivy sirs of the heavens...I ask for is a wish. A tear of the angels..."

Prismo had gave her what she wanted and ivy had looked at the man, "sir. She will be waiting for you in the heavens ... She is always here...even in your heart..."

Simon had looked sad as he heard these words it brought a small smile to his face.

"Thank you sirs." Ivy had then made her way back to Ooo.


-Simons P.O.V-

'angels tears...why would she ask of such a thing?' he thought with his scientist like brain and ha to go tell Marceline about it. As well as princesses bubble gum. Since they live together now...

Prismo waved his shadow like hand, "you okay there dude?"

Simon nodded, "yes I'm okay."

He then had adjusted his glasses and then made a wish, "can I get a ride back to ooo?"

Prismo nodded and snapped his fingers.
