-Finn and Ivy-

Ivy had explained how she got introduced to prismo and Jake and Finn both stood there dumb-founded, "wow. That's awesome!" Finn yelled.

Ivy had gently raised her wrist again to look at the cute Fern flower wrapped in ivy around her arm,

"So...what about Fern..."

Finn asked with suprised eyes,

"Fern will be okay and live a good healthy life. Although...he would be able to make his own decisions since I did bless him..."

Finn hugged ivy as y/n smiled .

Y/n noticed the flower looked jealous due to him and her hugging,

'fern...is that really you...' y/n thought.

Finn kept hugging you and stopped, "you remind me of Fern...he never really liked hugs..."

Ivy hadn't moved a muscle and had looked at the flower, "yeah...he's definitely my special friend..."

"Special friend?" Finn asked finally letting her go,

"My hero..." She whispered and gently brushed her lips against the flower and he bl

The flower smiled up at her proud of her and the sun was completely down.


Ivy had glanced at y/n and Finn. And said allowed, "you guys would make a wonderful bunch."

Jake had looked back at y/n to Finn and had realized ivy was on to something he wiggled his brows and had noticed the flower smiling at Ivy.

"Awe, you're in love with nature aren't you?"

Jake said in a musky like voice,

"Yeah, I am" she said in a warm tone in her beautiful voice.

Finn looked at ivy and the Fern flower and had glanced away y/n had been looking at Finn and wondered, 'what's wrong with him?'

"Does that mean you were in love with Fern?"

Ivy blushed badly as did the flower, Finn had looked a little disappointed but slightly happy,

Y/n walked over to Finn and y/n had hugged him, "what's wrong Finn?"

Finn had pushed y/n back, "nothing's wrong. I'm fine. Okay?"

"You sure..." Y/n asked caringly.

"She's just so beautiful..."

Finn said aloud and y/n knew you felt heartbreak...