|°Ivy and y/n°|

Ivys' P.O.V

nothing really sticks with these two guys. know as Jake the dog and Finn the human. I felt uncomfortable around them for some reason...

I looked down at Fern and had fed him plant food. in the last 30 minutes of him being on my wrist, there was a long vine wrapped around my arm, kind of shaping like a new pair of arms and legs,

"i-ivy" the flower spoken, ivy had jumped and looked down at Fern and smiled, "Fern...I'm so glad you're okay," he smiled and had tried to get off of her wrist and succeeded.

Fern imediatly had completely grown into his full grass body state.

he looked at his body and his arms he looked at ivy and had been suprised,


ivy smiled and just had hugged Fern,

"welcome back...hero..."


Finn's P.O.V

-it had been almost a half an hour and Jake had left to go see his wife and took y/n with them. he sighed and had looked at the computer screen installed in there new house it was a cozy cabin sitting on top of a mountain by a few trees.

"Hey BMO!"

a little cute rectangular game-boy appeared and had a very feminine tone in the voice, "yes Finn?" there was a crack in BMO's screen due to the horrible gumball war that destroyed most of ooo.

"what do you think of ivy?"

BMO had plopped down and had put two fingers under a invisible chin under his face, "hm...she seems kinda suspicious."

"what do you mean?"

"maybe she's a villian!"

Finn chuckled and picked up the cute little robot, "awe, c'mon BMO. she's not a villian. she's probably a good person like Fern"

BMO gasped, "You said Fern"

Finn looked at the strange adorable electronic, "yeah, he's back BMO"

BMO had smiled and wailed arms up and down like a flying bird, yelling "yay!"

"so how did he come back to life?"

"Hm. well. it's kind of hard to explain BMO, something about plants and junk."

BMO had smiled and then gave Finn a confused look, "okay" BMO had continued running off with wailing arms and continued on being weird,

'I wonder how the girls are doing...I haven't seen Ivy, or y/n around in a while...' Finn had looked around and had looked outside to see y/n with jake, ivy and...

Finn gasped as he seen Fern holding hands with Ivy. 'he looked practically like himself'