chapter 24


"What the hell happened back there!" Max asked me as we drove back to the house. I of course stayed silent and continue to look out the window, every since the whole in counter with Ashton.

I heard Max let out a frustrated sigh. We drove back in silence and I was glad for it. My mind instantly went to Ashton..

I just felt like breaking down, it hurt when Ashton told me to watch how far I push him, that he might end up liking it there.

I know that I have feelings for him, deep feelings. I just can't get over everything that happen. I was afraid it was going to happen again.

I knew Ashton had anger problems, I don't know how far he could go....

I snapped out my thoughts when we arrived home. I got out and made my way to the house. I was still staying with Max and Lucas. I had got an call from my parents telling me they will be here tomorrow.

I wasn't sure if they even knew about the kidnapping. They haven't even call to check up on me.

I shook my head before walking in the house. Lucas, Jackson, and Ryder were sat in the living room. I met Jackson and Ryder already and instantly clicked.

"Hey." They all greeted when they seen me. I sent a smile towards them but it was a fake one.

"So how did it go at the mall?" Lucas asked when I took a seat on the couch by Ryder. Mine and Max eyes met and I silently begged him with my eyes not to say anything.

"It went good." Max simply said while giving me a knowing look. I looked away and down at my hands.

Everyone was silent either watching TV or was in their phones.

"So do you guys wanna go to a party tonight?" Jackson asked breaking the silence.

"What party?" I asked

"Some guy name Logan is throwing a party." He answer with an shrug and the guys all through about it.

"Yeah I'm down."

"Me to."

"Me three."

Everyone then turn to me, waiting for my response. For some odd reason I felt something was going to happen if we go but I pushed it a side...


I finished getting ready and was dress in a navy blue lace dress. It fell a little above my knees but wasn't to short. I left my hair in its natural waves and didn't bother to put on make up.

I looked in the mirror and nodded, satisfied with my appeance. I grabbed my purse and went downstairs.

When the guys seen me their mouths practically hit the ground. "What?" I asked and they continue to stare. I started getting a little uncomfortably.

"You look beautiful." Lucas said staring at me with a unknown emotion in his eyes, that I cant seem to understand.

I blush when the guys nodded in agreement. "Thank you." I mumble and they laugh at me.

"Let's go." Max said and we all headed out the door. When we got in the car, I look out the window to see an car just sitting out there. I couldn't see who was in the car because it was dark out and they had tinted windows.

I started to have an bad feeling and knew something bad was going to happen.


"Why the fuck are you still smoking that shit." Val shouted at me when he seen I was sitting on the couch, smoking a cigar instead of getting ready for Logan's stupid party.

"Because I can." I simply said and he rolled his eyes. Brittany walked in the room and sigh when she seen me smoking.

I knew she didn't like it but do I give a fuck?


"Baby come on I have to show you something." She said and by the way she was looking at me I knew she wanted sex.

I stared at her before getting up. Fuck it! If I can't have Hayley then I'm going to get over her. I grabbed Brittany's hand and dragged her to my room....


"Yes Ashton!"

I fucked her harder out of anger. I was mad at myself for letting Hayley slip from my fucking fingers.

Earlier at the mall when I seen her in the food court, I knew I had to see her. And when she told me she wanted me to pull her closer I was so damn happy until she told me she couldn't.

I was furious, I lied I told her to watch how far she push me or I might like it there. Even if she told me she never wanted to see me again, I can't.

I would follow her to the end of the world. She's mine world, my breath my fucking future..

I got off Brittany feeling disgusted. I put my clothes on and ignored her calls for me. I walked out the room and past the guys in the living room. "I'll be back later." I said before walking out the door...

I roam the street with a bottle of beer in my hand. I took a swig of it, it was now dark but I wasn't afraid. Everyone knew who I was and knew what I could do..

"Ah little brother nice to see you again." I stopped and turned to my left to face Marcus. I glared at him as he smirk wickedly at me. He was in his car with some of his friends in the back, they all smirk at me.

"Can't say the same about you." I spat and his smirk widened as he exchange looks with his friends.

"You should watch how you peak to me. You don't know what I'm capable of." He said and evil smile on his lips.

I scoff before taking another swing of my beer. I then spat it on his face and watch as his eyes then darkened. He wiped his face while glaring at me.

"Yeah like I give a fuck." I spat."You should get the fuck out of here before someone gets hurt. " I threatened and him and his friends laugh at me.

"Bitch shut the-"

"Shut the fuck up Lance." Marcus spat at one of his friends before turning to me. My face was stone cold as we stare at each other.

He then smirk."Little brother aren't you going to invite us to the party?" He asked and I scoff at him.

"Why? Your going to crash it anyway." I said and he laughed while nodding his head. Before he could say something his phone rang.

Hello...oh is that so...she's going to the party" Marcus sent an smirk in my direction, making me raise an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah..on my way." He hung up and turn to me. "Watch your back little brother and make sure you keep an eye on that beautiful Hayley. It'll be a shame if something happen to her." He said and I lost it.

I pulled out my gun and aimed it at him. Though he wasn't faze. I also notice his friends had pull a gun out also, aiming it a me.

"Stay the fuck away from my girl."

Marcus smirked at me. "See you at the party." He said before speeding off. When I couldn't see his car anymore I let out a anger scream and throw the bottle of beer at the alley wall.

I pulled out my phone and call Val. He picked up on the third ring. "Ashton where the fuck are you? The party already started." He yelled through the phone and I clenched my jaws.

"Well my bad that I'm missing the party when I just had an encounter with the pussy himself." I spat through the phone and heard silence.

"What the fuck did Marcus want?"

"Nothing he just told me he will be at the party. And to watch my back. I have a feeling he's going after Hayley." I said anger running through my veins.

"Don't worry he's not going to touch her." He said after a moment of silence. " And Ashton, Marcus is someone we can't play with. Someone will get hurt when this is all over with."

Right now I was furious but I knew he was right. Someone will get hurt messing with Marcus. It could be me or him. Hayley is not an option.

My voice was filled with vemon. "Im not worrying about that." I started

"All I'm worrying about is my girl safety...