chapter 38 (Unkown guess)


--- 9

"Wake up." I mumble staring at her. Rose laid on the hospital bed, still unconscious and it was making me worry.

She's been like this for hours and I couldn't take it anymore. I needed her...

I sign before hearing my phone go off. Picking it up, I seen it was Ashton. I answered it but before I could say anything he told me in a cold yet desperate voice.

"I need your help."

When he said that I knew something was wrong. Me, Ashton and his brother Valentino go way back, best friend since we were 6. So we always have each other backs.

"I'm on my way." I mumble and hung up. I got up and placed a kiss on Rose's head. "I'll be back." I whispered before heading out the room, making sure I had my gun in my waistband.



"Ashton we got a hit!" Colton announced causing me to jump off the couch and run to him. The others were right behind me.

"What is it." I asked quickly.

"I found Marcus signal. Lucky he didn't block all his electronics." He told me. I was so happy right now that I was scream like a teenage girl....

But I didn't.

"Tell-" I was cut off by the sound of someone bursting through the door. I grinned at the sight of a old pal.

"Anyone call for help?" Hunter said smirking. I chuckled and we both gave each other a bro hug.

"Who's this?" Brittany said rather- seductively. She walked up to Hunter, placing her hand on his arm.

Hunter removed it.

He glance down at her and then her belly before they went back to her. He gave her a confused look. "Not interested."

Brittany pouted and went to touch him but Hunter grabbed her hand. "Not interested." He said in a low yet threatening voice.

Brittany eyes watered before she had stormed off. Thank god

"Well that was interesting." Logan spoke up. Val gave him a 'shut the fuck up' before he turn to Hunter

"Thanks for the help."

"No problems. I got you guys back remember." Hunter said before he got serious.

"So what's going on?" He asked which cause me to clench my jaws.

"Marcus took Hayley." I answered and watched as his face turned cold when I mentioned Marcus name. When we were little Hunter always hated Marcus. I remember when me, Hunter, and Val were playing basketball. Hunter had accidentally throw it at Marcus new car and it busted the back glass. Marcus got so upset that he had beaten Hunter to a plump. He almost killed Hunter but lucky me and Val stopped him.

After that day, Hunter had hated Marcus. And I knew he would want to kill Marcus... like I do.

"Who's Hayley?" Hunter ask after a few minutes.

"That's Ashton on-again-off-again girl." Logan interrupted making me send a glare in his direction and a smack in the head from Vanessa.

"Owie!" Logan whined, rubbing his head.

"So dumb." Val mumble shaking his head at Logan who just sat smiling sheepishly.

I turn to Hunter who raised a brow at me. "I'm guessing she's your girl?" He ask and I nodded my head. I turn to Colton, ignoring Hunter's smirk.

"Okay so can you tell where Marcus's at?" I asked. Colton nodded his head 'yes'

"Just give me a minute.....and found it! He's at a abandoned hotel, north of highway 59)" He said and I nodded.

"Alright Vanessa stay with Brittany, everyone else let's got." I order grabbing my gun. We walked outside and to my black SUV.

I sat in the drivers seat, Hunter in the passenger with Val, Colton and Logan in the back. I went to start the car when my phone rang.

I put it on speaker phone already knowing its Marcus. "I'm coming for you." I spat and he chuckled through the phone.

"I can't wait but poor Hayley won't be alive to see her night and shining armor." He said making me clench my fist.

"If you touch her I swear to god I'll rip you're eyes out." I threatened.

"Tsk tsk you know I have the beautiful Hayley with me. Say hey Hayley." He order before I heard the angelic voice I've been missing.

"Help me Ashton." Hayley mumble and by the sound of her voice I could tell someone was very wrong.

"Hayley what did they do to you? Did they touch you?" I asked but was met with silence.

"Guess like she don't want to answer. But you know the answer to that Ashton." Marcus said and I can picture the smirk on his lips as he says this.

I started shaking uncontrollably, Hunter put a hand on my shoulder to calm me down

"I will kill you." I seethed through the phone before hanging up.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK!" I yelled punching the steering wheel repeatedly. The guys didn't stop me because they know it won't end good if they did...

I stop punching the wheel and took a couple breaths. "Don't worry Ashton we'll get him." Logan said patting my shoulder.

"Yeah and we'll get Hayley back." Colton added.

"Alright let's go." I said staring up the car.

"Alright!" Hunter cheered. He grabbed his pistol before cocking it dramatically.

"Let's kill a bitch."