chapter 39



"Alright the little bastard is coming, let's begin" Marcus said stuffing his phone in his front pocket.

Tom nodded and grabbed my arm. A sob left my mouth. I knew Marcus plan, he was waiting for Ashton and the guys to come save me. Marcus's planning on blowing up the hotel. There's a bomb in the fridge, closet and under the couch.

"P-please just let me go." I croaked out hoping they'll listen but they didn't. Tom pushed me down on a chair. Marcus grabbed the ropes from the off the couch and him and Tom both start tying me to the chair.

Uncontrollably sobs escaped my mouth and before I knew it I was screaming for help. "Help! Somebody help me!" I screamed before Marcus's hand came in contact with my left cheek.

I screamed. "Shut the fuck up damn." He hissed which made me sob lowly.

"Its a shame we have to leave you behind." Tom said once he finished tying my legs. He rubbed his hand on my leg making me shiver in disgusted.

And I was only in my underwear.

Marcus chuckled shaking his head."You know we have to leave her. She knows to much." He said.

I squeeze my eyes shut as Tom's hand trailed to my thigh. "Yeah you're right. But she was good in bed, even though her cries were loud." He commented talking his hand off me. I sigh in relief.

Marcus scoffed. "Her cries turned me on. And that made it a good night." He said, Tom thought about it for a moment before nodding his head.

"Yeah you're right." I hated them both at the moment. They talk of me as if I wasn't right in the room with them.

"Alright we're wasting time." Marcus announced. He grabbed duck tape off the table, he broke a piece off and went to put it on my mouth but paused.

In a flash Marcus smashed his lips on mine. He kissed me roughly. Feeling angry, I bite down on his lip...hard.

"Ow you stupid bitch!" He yelled once he pulled back. He then slap me and I knew it left a mark. I cried in pain but was cut off when he roughly put the tape on my mouth.

I cried silently and watched as the two gave me smirks. "It was fun these couple of days having you. Especially the days we bonded." Marcus said, Tom nodded agreeing with him.

"See you soon Hayley." Tom said and before I knew it, they were gone.

I felt myself having it a hard time breathing and that's when I blacked out....



"This is it slow down." Colton told me and I stopped in front of the hotel. I wasted no time getting out. Me and the boys enter the hotel finding no one.

"Alright split up. If you find Hayley bring her to me immediately." I order the guys and we all went our separate ways.

I checked room after room yet I couldn't I find her. "Colton are you sure this is the right hotel?" I yelled, frustration evident in my voice.

"Yeah I'm sure!" He yelled back from another room. I sigh and ran a hand through my hair.

"Ashton I found her!" After hearing Logan yelling that, I quickly made my way to the room he was in. Once I got there my whole heart dropped.

Hayley sat, unconscious and tied to a chair with nothing on but her underwear. I stormed towards her. "Hayley wake up." I mumble and sigh in relief when her eyes opened.

Her dark blue eyes stared back at me with relief and sadness. But the one that stood out was...fear.

I took the tape off her mouth. "A-ashton.. Marcus....couch....bomb." The last one made my eyes widened.

"Logan check under the couch." I said quickly . "Hunter knife." I snatched the knife from Hunter hands and started cutting the ropes off Hayley.

"Shit!" Logan yelled. "Um not to make anyone freak out, but we have 20 seconds to leave or this whole place going to go down with us in it." He laugh nervous.

"Fuck let's go." I order picking Hayley up. Me and the boys practically ran out the hotel like rats.

Right when we made it out the whole place exploded.

We all flew to the ground by impact and I made sure to cover Hayley from any flying bricks or woods.

Breathing heavily, I looked down to meet Hayley's gaze. Her breathing came out as pants and I hated how this happened to her.

"Oh fuck I have a splinter!" Logan cried breaking me out my daze. I got up picking Hayley up bridal style.

"Everyone okay." I asked.


"I'm good."

"No didn't you hear me? I have a fucking splinter in my finger!"

Ignoring Logan's complaints and we all got in the car hearing sirens. Hunter took over the drivers seat since I was in the back seat holding Hayley.

"Let's get you home." I mumble to Hayley before we took off.


"Here." Vanessa held a glass of hot chocolate in front of Hayley. With shaky hand, Hayley took it and took a sip from it.

"Hayley." I said but she ignored me. Every since we brought her back she haven't looked me in the eye.

I couldn't blame her, it was after all my fault.

"What did they do to you." I asked through gritted teeth. I knew the answer but I wanted to believe it wasn't true...

Everyone was sitting around us, even Brittany. Though Brittany was smirking at Hayley. I wanted to punch her fucking teeth out at the moment but didn't. I was going of deal with her later...

Hayley hung her head down and telling by the sniffs coming from her, I knew she was crying.

"Hayley wha-" She cut me off by saying the three words that I didn't wanted to hear;

"They raped me."