Got a new name !!!!!!

In a very short period of time , Austrin and me had become very good friends to each other..

I was like to spend time with him , to talk to him , to listen him ... Evan I started to wait for his classes get over that , we could walk together ... he was daily drop me to the main road , from where I was get my auto ...main road was about half a mile from the institute ... and very soon we had started feeling like it must be bit more away ...

On weekends sometimes he was come home surprisingly and was also cook non-Indian dishes for us . He liked to cook..and that was a great fun to do assist him in the kitchen.... I have almost forgot my bitter past experiences . just because of Austi...

Yes He had become Austrin to Austi now...and I was become Aatmja to " Tikki " ( an Indian snack made from potatoes )

hahaha it sounds funny na Tikkiiii ... yeahhh !

and it was sounded more funnier in Austi's foriegn accent...

Actually I had got this unique nick name just because one day I told him that it's my most favourite snack ... And according to him I was his all time favourite ....that's why he would call me tikki...

this connection or comparison between Tikki and me ..... and his , this illogical logic ... to call me by this name , I could not never understand ...but it was okay !

I didn't want to understand it too .....

and it's not necessary that everything has its logic behind... sometimes somethings has just a feel behind them not logic...

we just need to respect those feelings ...

so I did the same ... I neither mind nor objected ever instead of accepted , and enjoyed my new nick name wholeheartedly...

4 months had passed to Austi... and it was my birthday on"10th December" ...

I woke up bit late from my usual timings..because it was a Sunday morning .

I didn't have any plan for my this birthday nor any wish or anything else was just a common weekend for me as other weekends.

but one thing I was aspecting and want to be happen ...and that was , to get a wish from my very new friend ...who ? you already know...! but my this wish was totally baseless because we were never discussed about our how could he be there today to wish ? while he is not aware about it .

anyways it was just inside me , I didn't show or express my this feeling to anyone home ...almost half of the day was gone it was around 4 :30 at evening.i was just surfing online on my mobile.

suddenly I heard a soothing sounds of guitar playing from outside from our drawing room . and it was a birthday song...

and the thing which was missing , specially on the day of my birthday ...."A SMiLE" ...

now on it's right place ...on my lips...

I went out ...and yes !!! this was he ....

I didn't know how he came to know this ...but I was so happy ...that moment...

when I reached there he also started to sing the birthday song aloud with my mom...

although he didn't need to anyone to make hear his voice till the last home of our lane ...hahaha ...stupid guy !!!!

after his that pleasent surprise to wish me ... he brought us for a dinner too that night ... and we had a very good time . After dropping mom to home back he asked for a walk together we went for a walk was might be first time I saw him so quite ... he was just walking neither saying anything nor asking ...

after some moments I started talking first ...

me :- hmn... so Mr smarty ... how come you know that , it's my birthday today ...?

He :- ... from office 's display board , Tikki...

( actually it was a practice in our institute that a list was updated every month on the office's display board in which all employees 's birthdays were mention )..

me :- Ohhh yeah !!! you're right ...

anyways ... thank you so much for such a beautiful wishing ...n make my day special ..

( stopped walking )

He :- smile ... it gave equally pleasure to me too...

me :- hmmmm ... anyways why are you so quite now everything okay with you ?

he :- yup course has alomost completed and my Visa is going to expire might be I would have to go back soon...

me :- ohkay

when are you going ..?

he :- last Sunday of this month .

me :- smile ( to managing her feelings )

but why are you sad about it ? it is not a bad news , you have completed your studies successfully.. for which you were came here ...and soon going to meet your parents too... don't you miss them ?

he :- I don't want to miss you too...

me :-hmmm I am not going anywhere ... we'll be friends forever ... we can be contacted through net ... or phone calls ...

he :- yeahhh !

me :- hey ! see you can't be sad on my birthday like this .do smile as you always do.

he :- smiles

me :- good ! let's drop me back to home now ...

he :- hmm

very first time from the day I met him ...only , I was speaking , just to make him cheer back ..and he was answering only in like hmn, huh ,yeah sounds , anyways

the birthday was over finally...and I had reached bacm to my home ..

me :- okay , Mr silent ... good night .

he :- good night , Tikki .. ( both turns to opposite directions )

he :- May I hug you once ?

( although huggging n all is so common in his culture but he asked for that , might be he was able to understand our culture's beauty in a very short time...or might be he was started understand me , I didn't know ...but I liked his way ...and I choosed to give the respect back to him )

me :- ( so I stopped and turned back went towards him and we hugged , ) of course you idiot ... now go , sleep and meet me with the same big smile on your face tomorrow you generally meet okay !

he :- yes ( smile happily ).. happy birthday once again ...

me :- bye

he :- b.bye ...