Yoga , me and his arrival !!!

life was started to come on , track again ...

I was doing good in my job...

had to work hard...every day I got new different topics ...I had to read about them on net ... and after collecting the sufficient information I was write about them in my own words ...but aside that hard work ,

whatever is happening...was good ... because now I had no negativity around me , which is breaking me ...!!!

Two months was passed away ...

June 21st , on world's yoga day...

like other different places in country , our institute also organized a yoga camp in our city... many common people and yoga gurus , from all over the city and other countries participated , and it had been a successful event by our institution.....This event gave me many things " my confidence , hidden talent of leadership , and "AUSTRIN WILLBER"

YES...! Austrin !!!!!! My new friend.... who was going to become a very important part of my life soon ... now you will be thinking , how I met Autrin ? ... Actually , he and me were the partner to performing the different yoga postures and meditation...our yoga mats were besides to each other ... during the whole yoga session ... we helped to each other oftenly...and during that time many times we gave a silent intro ( smiled ) to each , at least he was not as much stranger for me as others, who were there in that event ...

The day after tomorrow ,it was a fresh Monday usual I was writing at my office...and ,

I was as much dedicated to my work as I didn't notice the presence of Austrin in the room...

until he didn't tap the table his hand..

Austrin :- hey !

me :- Ohhh Hi ! how're you ?

Austrin :- I am good ! ( smile )

me :- smile back .

Austrin :- Actually , I have got addmisssion in your institute for three months crash course of meditation...and Pranic healing ...I was just passing through your cabin and I saw you... so just came inside to meet you again...

me:- ohkay ! nice

( we talked for 5-10 min that day , just like a formal introduction about ourselves and lil bit regarding our families and he went back , too was got busy again in my work )

Next day , he came again after his classes . it was around 4:45 at evening and I was about to leave .

Austrin :- Hey ! How was the day?

me :- Hectic as usual , you say .. howz your classes going on ? and how are you feeling here from London to such a small City ...?????

Austrin :- I am enjoying and learning together ... and loving your small city's weather ...

me :- hahaha good rhyming !! ( smile again )

Austrin :- wow ! you have got dimples !!!!

me :- hmm

Austrin :- You have got a very pretty smile ...

me :-thank you ( in slow voice ).

Austrin :- smile back

me :- it's time to go back home actually I would have to leave .

Austrin :- If you don't mind ...May I join you to the main road ?

me :- okay !

( both walks together and talked more )

me :- okay Austrin see you ... from here I will take an auto .

Austrin :- yeah sure !! take care , B.bye ( wave his hand )