Chapter 1[HIM]

I woke up with the sun in my eyes. It wasn't very pleasant to be blinded in the morning. I sat up looking around to get my bearings on my location. I was in a clearing between what I assumed to be a forest. It wasn't a very big it has enough space for someone to make camp but that's it. A couple feet ahead of me was another person. She was asleep which make me question how both of us got here and who she was? I moved towards the her to see what she looked like. She had Black hair, porcelain white skin, and was skinny. I tried waking her to see if she knew where we were and how we got here.

After a minute of shaking her she awoke. She sat up and looked around until her sight stopped on me. Her eyes were scarlet red it was nice to look at. She had a confused look at her face for some reason. I opened mouth to ask her where we are but the only thing that came out was hot air. I didn't know how to talk or at least I have forgotten how to. She tried to do the same thing but only hot air came out to. She doesn't know how to talk either but how do I know this? How did I know her intentions without before she even did said action. Confusion plagued both our minds. But it didn't matter there was already other things we needed to worry about like where we are and how we get out.

Without saying anything we both knew the others intentions so we moved away from the clearing into the assumed to be forest. We were going to walk until we found anything that could be helpful. A house, people anything that could tell us where we are. I looked at the trees that we were passing. They were gigantic but there's no way trees can be this big. Either the trees are huge or we are short.

We kept on walking but didn't find anything. The Sun was now setting a night was approaching. She thought that we should find shelter I agreed of course because walking at night in a unknown place was dangerous. We found a cave in the side of a hill. It wasn't very deep and the inside was the size of the clearing we awoke at before. When we found this cave it had just turned from day into night. I was worried about what we were going to do when we wake up tomorrow but I guess we'll just have to find out.