Chapter 2[HER]

I woke up staring at the top of the cave. I sat up and towards him. He had white hair and blue eyes. I stood up to walk out the cave and wait. I wanted to wait nearby until he woke up so we could continue moving. I climbed up the hill that held the cave at the base. When I reached the top and looked out all I saw was the green tops of the trees. I don't know what I was expecting to see other then green. He is waking up I didn't need to see him to know. Now that he is up we can at least for food or something. I took a mental note of where the cave was from the clearing in case we needed to come back.

I went back down the hill to meet up with him so we could continue moving. I kept track of where we were going as we moved through the forest. We ended up find another clearing way larger than the one we woke up in. The clearing was covered with green dead bodies scattered around. He moved in to have a closer look while I stayed behind in the trees. The bodies were dead goblins. They must've died at night because the bodies were still fresh. In the center of the dead bodies was the remains of a fire. Someone was here before them probably a couple hours ago. He started to loot the dead goblins for items. I walked into the clearing to loot the bodies to. I found a short sword, bow, a quiver filled with 20 arrows, and some dried meat. It was enough to last the day but we needed more. He found a sabre and some dried meat.

We left the clearing to find a water source. Even if we didn't find a house we still needed water to survive. We found a stream East of the Clearing. The stream water was clear and calming. Fish were swimming up and down the stream. I put down the items I looted back at the Clearing and got into the water. It was felt cool on my skin. He got in with me and we sat down in the stream back to back. It's only been a couple hours but I felt soothing that I started to fall asleep.