Chapter 3[HIM]

She fell asleep I wasn't surprised because I would've fell asleep to. I continued to sit in the water. The water calmed my mind and let take a break from thinking about my situation. I didn't want to wake her since she is already worried about what to do next. Even in her sleep she still thought about what we need to do. We sat there for a couple hours before she woke up. She was surprised to find out that she fell asleep in the water but was even more surprised that I was also in the water with her. We decided to head back to the cave for the day. Were going to walk back through the clearing when we saw a goblin alive. It was digging looting the bodies to find something. It hadn't spotted us yet so we backed up but I stepped on a stick. Hearing the stick breaking the Goblin turned to face us.

Spotting us the Goblin pulled it's short sword and rushed towards us. It was very fast in fact we could out run it. The only problem was is that it knew we were in the area and the only way to get to the stream was through the clearing. I pulled the sabre out its scabbard. It was taller than me so I put my hand out towards her for the shortsword. Understanding my intentions she pulled the short sword out of its scabbard and passed it to me. I rushed out to meet the goblin head on it was surprised to see me do this but continued its charge. When we finally met the goblin stabbed towards me. I stepped slightly to the left grabbed it's hand and thrust my sword into its neck. It bleed to death still impaled on my sword. Even though the fight ended quickly I we now know this area is dangerous at night.

I pulled my sword out of the goblins neck and took whatever it I could find. I found more pieces of driedment and a bag of fresh deer furs. We have enough food to last us 2 days.