Chapter 6[HER]

A couple of weeks have passed by in a flash. We now have a door to our cave but it's still the same bed. We were going to the stream to get a drink of water and wash ourselves. He brought his shortsword with him incase we run into goblins. They live across the stream or at least we think so. I was looking down while he lead me through. We could hear sounds before we arrived. He wanted me to stay here while he checked out what was going on but I refused. We hid in bushes near the stream before taking a peak. Whatever it was it wasn't a goblin and the only animals we seen around were deers and rabbit with some birds here and there.

The first thing we saw was oversized clothes and armor sprawled around on the ground but that was it. There wasn't anything else around. We cautiously walked out the bushes to inspect the clothes and armor on the ground. It was to big for us to wear and some of it was oddly shaped. He picked up a piece of armor that seemed to be for the chest. It looked like some took a large rock and banged it against metal to create spherical indents on it. I couldn't understand why anyone would do that. Whatever was here hid upon our arrival and with it being bigger than us we didn't want to stay any longer. We did what we needed to do and left.