Chapter 7[Ruby]

My name is Ruby and I'm an adventurer. I was on a mission to the Eldritch Forest to collect some high undead bones with my party. We were on our way back our homebase our a 3 month journey. We decided to cut through the Hollow Forest for the only monster there were goblins. My party consisted of Me as Swordsman Siliva as Paladin Aria as Priest and Heo as Archer. We stopped at a stream to wash off our sweat. We left our luggage and armor on the bank but kept our weapons with us. We weren't going to stay for long. We were talking about what we were going to do when we got back. "Something is coming" Heo said "We should hide". We hid in the behind the treeline on the other side of the stream and waited. A couple minutes pass and 2 children come out of the into view.

They were no older than 7 and were wearing clothes made out of seemed to be deer furs. The color of their hair was rare even in dragons. One of them was carrying a sword and seeing as how cautious they were we didn't move from our hiding spot. We didn't want to scare them and chase them through the forest to find why they were so deep inside the forest. They inspected what we left on the bank but only briefly. It seems they came to get a drink of water from the stream and then left leaving behind the luggage on the ground.

"We should follow them" said Aria after the children disappeared from view. "We should help them." "No" Heo replied "We shouldn't follow them." "Why" said Aria with a frantic tone in her voice. "They are children lost in the forest-" "No their not" replied Heo "From what I could see they have been living in the forest for a while meaning that they are fine. We are low on supplies and unless you want to go hungry for a week we won't take them with us. Best we can do for them is report them to the guild in the next town we stop at." No one else rejected to Heo's plan of leaving them because she was right they couldn't take the children with them especially in this forest. Heo wasn't heartless she also didn't want to leave the children either but they will run through there already low supplies with 2 extra mouths to feed. They gathered up the luggage they left on the bank and continued trekking through the forest