Chapter 10[HER]

It's been a while since he left. I haven't moved from my spot in the tree. I was too terrified to move. I'm worried about him but to scared to move. I'm pathetic some person I am. The time we spent together he is always protecting me. I started crying thinking about what would happen if he didn't come back. How was I going to survive without him. He's all I've got. "Hey there little girl." I heard something coming from below. "Are you okay." I looked down below me to see what was making that sound. "How about you come down so we can see why your crying." I was a human. He had Blonde Hair and Green Eyes. He reached out his arms like he wanted to catch me. I came out of the tree into his arms still crying my heart out. It was comforting to have someone here with me.

But I was still worried about him if he was safe. Looked in the direction of where he run off to. I wanted to follow his path to find him but what could I do to help.