Chapter 11[Slav]

"Sir" one of the my Soldiers Called out. We some tracks across the stream it seems the Goblins are following something. "Lets see if it is a lead on those children so we can get out of this forsaken forest." said Slav. We went across to stream to find these tracks. When we arrived it we discovered that the goblins were in a hurry. We followed the tracks slowly so as to not miss any clues of what they were following. "Sir do you hear that" a soldier to my left said. It was the sound of crying whatever it was it could be dangerous. Maybe a new monster like a dryad had appeared in the forest. I followed the sound until I ended up right in front of a tree. The crying was coming from above. I looked up to see a little girl in a tree. She must've been one of the children we were looking for since she had black hair and red eyes. She must've only been 10 years old at most and 7 at least. "Hey there little girl." I said. "Are you okay." she looked down at my. She seemed worried about someone it was all over her face. "How about you come down so we can you can tell me why you're crying." I reached my arms out to her. She came down from the tree still crying. I tried to comfort her but she was looking down the path the tracks were on. It was then I realised what the Goblins were following or chasing. "WE NEED TO CHASE AFTER THOSE GOBLINS NOW" I yelled towards my men. "THE GOBLINS ARE CHASING OUR OTHER OBJECTIVE, WE NEED TO MOVE NOW" I just hope we make it in time.