Chapter 12[HIM]

It's been a few minutes since I left her in the tree. As I been running more and more goblins have gathered together to chase me down. I ended up back at the cave. I'm only a minute ahead of them. I would be trapping myself if I went inside so I went up the hill. It takes all your strength to climb to hill. If you use only 1 hand you will fall back down before you even make it half way. This is where I will make my stand and hope that I will make it out of this.

A minute later while I was sitting on top of the hill the goblins started climbing from all sides. The 20 goblins turned into 40. I pull out my shortsword and start killing the Goblins who are closest to the top. But there are to many a couple goblins get up the hill. If I am to survive this I will have to kill them as they come up. 3 goblins rush towards me. I dodge 2 sword swipes and kill the 3rd one. 3 more got up the hill. I use the dead goblins body like a shield and start kicking them back down the hill. 5 more are up. I continue to use the goblins body as a shield but at this point I'm covered in it's guts. I kill 3 of them and push the others back down. 10 more come up.

Instead of trying to kill them I put all my strength into pushing them back down. This king of the hill fight has been going on for a while now. I'm getting more and more exhausted and my wounds are piling up. Just when I was about the fall on my hands and knees the Goblins Retreat back down the hill. I stay vigilant while I take a quick break to calm my heart. 1 goblin comes up the hill he's bigger than the rest. Before he gets up here I pick up my shortsword and wait. There nowhere else to go the hill is surrounded. The Goblin makes it up the hill unlike the other goblins this one doesn't use rusted blades and daggers.

The Goblin doesn't immediately rush towards me. It just sitting there staring at me. The Goblins lips curve up into a smile and it starts climbing back down the hill and leaves into the forest. The other Goblins follow the bigger one into the forest. I sit there confused as to what to do. I'm tired and wounded I don't think I will make it out of this alive even if the goblins are gone. I just hope she is safe I think as my vision fades to black.