Birthday , Start Of The Training

Today was finally his 4th birthday , after today he would be able to start his Dou Qi Training , he had come to this world 4 years ago , he lived a very happy life but his ultimate goal was to reach the legendary Dou Di and then ascend to the next realm and form his own influence up there.

The preparation of his birthday was handled by his Mother and his Grandmother , his Grandfather had come back especially for this day.

His Father was occupied by the paperwork that came with his position as a patriarch , and his sister was training like crazy since the past week since she would breakthrough the 4-star Dou Zhi Qi which was pretty incredible since she was just 6 years old , even his grandfather was surprised by the speed of her practice , it had to be know that his grandfather who was considered as having the most talent in the last 200 years in the clan was 7 years old when he brokethrough the 4-star Dou Zhi Qi.

The clan was brimming with joy and the atmosphere of the whole town was the same , it had to be know that with the backing of his grandfather , his clan was one of the most powerful clan in the Jia Ma Empire so a lot of guest would be comming to his birthday celebration.

Hao Shen had the mentality of a 8-9 years old kid actually so he was very excited to celebrate his birthday.

He was actually meditating in his room about Alchemy knowledge and how he will train after today , he decided that he won't use any medecine for the Dou Zhi Qi realm to create a natural foundation for his body and will permite him to go higher with his cultivation with less botlleneck.

After making his training plan he was called by a maid who was standing outside of his pavillon.

"Young Master , Old Master and Master wish for you to go to the main hall."She said with her head lowered.

"Alright you can go , I will go see father and gradfather."

"Yes Young Master."

After replying the maid left.

'I wonder why father and grandfather wish to see me?'

As he was thinking he already began to walk towards the main hall , the Hao Clan Estate was very big , but the main hall was less than 2li (1li = 0.5Km) away so it didn't take him too long to reach it.

When he entered the hall he was surprised to see it empty , there was no one aside from his father and grandfather.

Their eyes rested on him when he walked in , they were filled with care , he was very liked by everyone as he was very smart for his age.

"Shen'er comme see Granpa" said his grandfather with a warm smile.

Hao Shen went to his grandfather who picked him up and sat him on his lap.

"So Shen'er , are you ready to start your training tomorow?" asked his Father.

"Yes , I wanted to start training before but I was to young so i'll definitelly do my best tommorow."

"Good , tommorow i'll supervise your training so that you do it correctly." this was his grandfather who said that.

Hao Shen was very happy since his grandfather was already a Dou Huang so he could help him train correctly.

His grandfather Hao Lei was a 9-star Dou Huang , he just brokethrough a year ago , but he was not very old compared to his strenght , he was 52 years old this year he had hope of breaking through Dou Zong in the next 3 years with his talent , he would become the youngest Dou Zong In the Jia Ma Empire and their clan would become an Overlord.

Time passed quckly and when the evening started , the main hall was full of people who came to felicitate Hao Shen for his birthday , they brought massive amount of gift and went back to the back to let other people pass.

He was standing next to his father on the stage , his grandfather was seated with some old friend at the center of the room , these Old Monster were all minimum Dou Wang , Hao Shen recognized Hai Po Dong who was a great friend of his grandfather. He also recognized Jia Xing Tian the Grandfather of the emperor of the Jia Ma Empire.

A lot of other clan came to celebrate his birthday but he didn't notice anyone worse remembering , there were basically no one of his generation as they were busy training so the birthday celebration finished pretty quickly.

After he managed to leave the celebration he returned to his bedroom and slept like a log till the next morning , at dawn he was already awake stretching.

He was very excited as it was his first day of training so he rushed to the training ground of the clan,

there was actually no one present except for his grandfather who seemed to wait for him.

"Grandfather !! I'm here to start training." He said as he quickly arrived at the side of his grandfatehr.

"Good!! Your very early it prove taht you are dedicated to train." His grandfather had a gratified smile as he saw his grandson this inclined toward training.

They started doing simple mouvement , his grandfather wanted to teach him basic foundational mouvement before he started practising concrete martial arts.

After three hours of intense training , Hao Shen could be seen in horse stance dripping with sweat as his grandfather looked at him with a smile , they had finished basic training 1h ago and his grandfatehr to test his willpower made him stand in horse stance the longest he could , it had already been an hour.

'Shen'er possess all quality to become very powerful , let's hope he has good talent'

After one more hour he collapsed on the floor with his leg trembling , his body had dropped without his control.

His granpa was very satisfied.

"Go take a shower and sleep to recuperate."After that he left swiftly

'The training was hard but it feel good , i think i'm already very close to become a 1-star Dou Zhi Qi.'

After a Bath , he immediatly went to sleep.