Breaking Through 2-star Dou Zhi Qi

When he woke up , Hao Shen was filling empty so he went to the kitchen a took some food to eat while he went to the clan library.

As he arrived in the clan library , he saluted the 3rd Elder who was in charge of guarding the library and went to see the Huang level Dou Skills.

As a prominent clan of the Jia Ma Empire the Hao clan had tons of Huang level Dou Skills.

He looked for the fist skill as it was the easiest to practice with his current 4 years old body.

He found 3 Dou skills that interested him , they were Boulder Crushing Fist , Metal Fist and Beginer Fist Art.

Boulder Crushing Fist was a Mid Level Huang Dou Skill , Metal Fist a High level one and Beginer Fist Art a low level one , but Hao Shen was more inclined to chose the third one because he wanted to cultivate his body foundation to the peak before reaching the Dou Zhe realm and he felt that the Beginer Fist Art would help him on the long term as he would have the foundation for each fist movement.

After choosing a fist Dou Skill , he went to the Agillity Type Dou Skills and chose once more the Beginer Level Moument Dou Skill , once more this was a low level Huang Dou Skill.

After taking the book of the Dou Skills with him , he went back to his courtyard to read them.

In less than one hours , he finished reading them and maybe thanks to his enormous soul strenght he understood the basic of both of them.

He began his training sonn after a continued it till the night began , just as he was finishing the last part of the fist art , he suddenly felt his body vitality augmenting.

It was as if all his depleted energy had come back in his body , it was a wonderful feeling and he understood taht he had broken through the 1-star Dou Zhi Qi realm and finally started his cultivation path.

The next day , when he arrived at the training field at down his grandfather noticed him and was shocked to see him already 1-star Dou Zhi Qi with just a day of practice.

'He must have learned a martial art to breakthrough this quickly'

"Shen'er you're already 1-star Dou Zhi Qi after only a day , you're certainly a genius , even your sister took a full week to do it."

Seeing his grandpa very happy , Hao Shen the nexplqiued him that he had picked 2 Dou skill of Low level Huang which shocked his grandpa because he didn't think that a 4 years old kid would think about his foundation and not choose the strongest martial skill.

After that Hao Shen demonstrated his two skills and shocked his grandfather once more due to his mastery after only a day.

His grandfather was elated and after the training finished went to see his father who happily told the news to the clan , the atmosphere of the clan once more became joyful.


2 Months passed since then and thanks to his continuous cultivation , Hao Shen was already at the peak of the 1-star Dou Zhi Qi realm and could brokethrough at any moment.

He had mastered his 2 Huang low lever Dou Skills so it was time to go and choose more powerful one , so he went once more to the clan library.

When he arrived he payed his respect to the 3rd Elder and saluted all of the other Warrior present in the library , he didn't have much contact with other people of the clan since he was the sole male of his age.

He went to the Huang level Skills once more but this time he wanted to choose High Grade one.

He read through the library and suddenly stopped at the book he had in hand , this book was a Huang Peak level skill , it could even rival Xuan Low level skills , it was a skill that permited to fortify the body and the foundation by external pressure.

He choose to take it and left the library immediatly after.

Hao Shen didn't go back to his courtyard but went to the waterfall at the back of the Hao estate to observe a little and find a spot where he would be able to train his new Dou Skills the Body External Reforging Dou Skills , the limit of this skill was that once he became a 5-star Dou Zhe or more the results of using it would be minimal so he wanted to start practising it as soon as he could.

He found a boulder where he could site at the edge of the waterfall and sat down a little apart from the waterfall to read the book.

Two Hours after , he put the book on the floor and went to sit under the waterfall.

At first the pressure was insane , he couldn't even stand straight but when he started to use the Body External Reforging , he could stand the pressure , as he was under the waterfall , the effect of the skill were simply awesome , his body started to become stronger and stronger and he felt that he would soon breakthrough the 2-star Dou Zhi Qi.

One hours later he heard a sudden explosion within him and felt his body refreshed , he didn't feel the same amount of pressure anymore from the waterfall.

He just Brokethrough 2-Star Dou Zhi Qi.

After he calmed himself and he went out of the waterfall , he dryed himself and departed the palce to return to his courtyard to sleep , on his way back , he met his sister who came running toward him.

"Shen'er where have you been I searched you everywhere!"She said with a big smile.

'She came to brag about the fact that she brokethrough' was what Hao Shen Tough immediatly

"What is it Big Sister ?" He reponded with a cute expression.

"Hahaha I just brokethrough this morning and wanted to share the big news with you."She said proudly

"Big sis I broke through too , I'm already a 2-star Dou Zhi Qi if you don't hurry I'll catch up to you"told back Hao Shen

At this moment his Big Sister froze and turned around running to go back training.