Insane Training Speed , Little Spar

After seeing his sister , Hao Shen went back to his courtyard to sleep as he was exhausted after the harsh training he had today.

As Hao Shen was resting in his bed , he was thinking about his Alchemy Knowledge.

'I can't become an Alchemist before becoming a Dou Zhe since I can't produce any Dou Qi Flame before I start cultivating using the Dou Method I asked God for and since there's no Alchemist above 2nd Rank in the clan I won't use any Medicinal Pill before I reach Dou Zhe , thanks to that , my futur cultivation would be smooth as I would have a very deep Foundation.'

He was actually 4 so he had 11 years before the start of the main plot , if everything went well he estimated that by the time he reach 9 years old , he would already be a Peak 9-star Dou Zhi Qi and he could probably breakthrough the Dou Zhe Realm by the age of 11.

After that he would go out and explore the Magical Beast Mountain in hope to gain something and to train himself against Magical Beast , he would then comeback for his adult ceremony and pass the recruitement of the Jia Nan Academy but he wouldn't go there immediatly , he wanted to meet Xiao Yan while he was training in the Magical Beast Mountain.

After making his plan , he drifted away sleeping till the next day.


4 Months later.

Hao Shen was curently training under the waterfall of the Hao Clan Estate , after practising here for 6 months he was extremly familiar with the place.

Thanks to this fact , he remarked that to reach the center of the waterfall he would have to reach the Peak Dou Zhi Qi realm.

Hao Shen was curently already a 3-star Dou Zhi Qi , he brokethrough this level the last night and went to tell it to his father who was once again surprised about his isane training speed.

His father also told him about Xiao Yan from the Xiao Clan who was a genius recongnized in the whole Jia Ma Empire because he was also at the 3-star Dou Zhi Qi at the young age of 5.

At this moment Hao Shen understood that he was born 8 months after Xiao Yan.

His father asked Hao Shen if he wanted to tell other about his breakthrough but he refused as he was still to weak to protect himself in case someone with evil intention wanted to assassinate him.

After that he directly went back to the waterfall to train his Dou Skill.

His strength was curently above the other 3-star Dou Zhi Qi thanks to his Body External Reforging , the skill confered him the strength a star above him for the moment but once his mastery of the skill it would confere him 3-star of strength above his cultivation , this skill was abnormally powerfull but it was not very practised by the kids as it inflicted pain and by the time they were old enough to understand the benefice of it they were already in the late stage of the Dou Zhi Qi rank wich mean that they would be unable to cultivate it to the peak , thus it was not a popular skill.

This day he finished cultivating under the waterfall at noon , he then went to eat.

After he finished eating ,his father told him to go practice with the other young disciple in the Training Field Arena.

As he arrived here he could see tens of youth practising their martial skill and some were sparring.

He saw that the most talented disciple of his age group just brokethrough the 2-star Dou Zhi Qi and was being fawned upon by the other , it was his cousin Hao Wei , the young master of the first Branch Familly , his father was the blood brother of Hao Shen's father so they were relative.

As the crowd saw Hao Shen had just arrived , they looked toward him with surprised expression as it was know that Hao Shen often trained alone.

Hao Chen nodded at them and went to train on his own in a corner of the field , his cousin sawing this was surprised and went towards him.

"Brother Shen why do you stay on your own ?"asked Hao Wei

"it's nothing , the people here seems to know each other so I don't want to intrude." replied Hao Shen while smilling towards Hao Wei.

Hao Wei and Hao Shen were pretty friendly to each other since they were young and were just born 10 days apart from each other.(Hao Shen is the oldest)

Seeing that his cousin was training alone Hao Wei decided to stay and practice with him.

After some more talk and some training , they decided to spar with each other , the idea was first proposed by Hao Wei , it made Hao Shen unable to refuse so they went to the arena at the center of the field.

Since the two of them had important position in the clan the other youths let them pass.

The crowd was excited to see the fight , the two were genius of the clan so of course it was to be expected.

The youths didn't remark that two 30's something years old man were looking at them from afar , they were the two most powerful people of the clan , Hao Tian and his little brother Hao Jian.

The two of them were also excited to see the fight.

"Hahahahaha ,Big brother you have to be prepared , my Wei is very strong."Said proudly Hao Jian

"Hehehe , You will be surprised by what you will see in some moment"replied Hao Tian.

As the two were speaking , Hao Shen and Hao Wei were already facing each other on the arena

The spar started as Hao Wei directly rushed to Hao Shen and delivered and round kick towards his head , the power of his 2-star Dou Zhi Qi exploded towards Hao Shen.

Unfortunately for him , the body of Hao Shen was hard as steel so when Hao Shen blocked with his arm he took no damage.

After blocking the kick Hao Shen gave a punch (He use the strength of a 2-star Dou Zhi Qi)towards Hao Wei Chest , and as Hao Wei blocked the strike he slided back on three meters surprised and shocked.

The winner was already obvious , so the fight stopped and they saluated each other.

"Big brother how come Shen'er is this strong ?"Asked Hao Jian full of incertenity

Hao Tian smilled.

"He had a breakethrough yesterday , and he also cultivate the Body External Reforging Skill so he obviously is stronger , he could even fight with someone of the 4-star Dou Zhi Qi if he wanted to."

Hao Tian was very proud of his son and how dedicated towards becoming stronger he was.

After the little spar , Hao Wei and Hao Shen went back to their training spot and finished training for the day.

Hao Shen then went back to the waterfall to cultivate.