9-Star Dou Zhi Qi , Luck Under The Waterfall

It was a rainy day , in the Jia Ma Empire , Hao Clan Town

Hao Clan Estate , near the border of the estate was a waterfall.

Hao Shen was actually under the waterfall cultivating the Body External Reforging Dou skill.

He was now 9 years old and would soon breakthrough the 9-star Dou Zhi Qi level.

His appearance changed in the 5 years that had passed , he was taller , and his body forged by the harsh training of his Huang High Level Dou Skill had made his body as hard as steel , he had long black hair falling all the way to the lower part of his back and he could be considered handsome.

As the hours passed , he could feel that the breakthrough was very close , but he didn't get impatient a sat under the waterfall for 3 more hours before , all of sudden he heard an explosion coming from his body.

He had finally reached it , the last stage of his training as a Dou Zhi Qi , the 9-star Dou Zhi Qi , he was very happy and considered himself very lucky to be born with a talent above that of Xiao Yan who would reach this stage at the age of 10.

His Body Foundations was extremely deep as he never used any medecine since he started training , it means that he would have no probleme to cultivate to the higher realm later on his journey.

He sat 1 more hour to stabilize his cultivation and after that he got up to move towards the center of the waterfall , as he has estimated when he was younger , he was able to go there and to his surprise behind the center of the waterfall , there were a little hole large enough to let a human pass.

He was shocked.

'Did I got myself a fucking plot armor ?!'

As he shook his head , he made his way towards this hole and entered it.

As expected this was a cave , in the cave there was six chest , some herbs and a black ring in the center of the cave.

'Fucking hell did I really got one ?'

Hao Shen made his way towards the first chest on the left hand inspected it , it was a black metal like material and it didn't seem to be locked , he didn't know a thing about trap but decided to bet it all and opened it.

When he did so , he quickly retreated away from the chest , but nothing happened.

He went back to the chest , inside the chest was a scroll , he took it out and began to read the content , it was a Xuan Low level Dou Skills , and it contained the Skills , Tempest Kick wich permited the user to kick as fast as lightning , when trained to the maximum level it was comparable to a Xuan Mid Level Skills and it made the legs of the user so fast that they couldn't be seen when he kicked.

Hao Shen was very happy to get a Kicking Skill , because in the last 5 years he had practised the Beginer Skills method of Kickings , Sword and Concealment.

He didn't get any skills in the library after that , because none took his attention.

Now that he had a proufound kicking skills he would be able to make full use of it to increase his personal strength.

He went to the second chest and opened it , once more there was no trap so he estimated that there would be none in the whole cave.

in the second chest was a pill , he recognized it immediatly as it was the Meridian Rising Pill , a Rank 2 Pill suitable for the Fire Dou Qi user which could strengthens the Meridian's toughness below the Dou Wang realm , Can completely recover damaged veins and could Increase Fire Type Dou Qi.

It was very useful for him since it could help him gain time as to not search for the ingredient to refine one by himself once he had a breakthrough to the Dou Zhe realm.

before taking it out he went to were the ring was situated and took it , as he expected it was a storage ring , and after he bound it to himself , he was able to observe the gigantic size inside , it could be of use to hime as he would be able to stock a massive amount of things inside it , the storage ring was empty.

He went back and stocked the chest were the pill was conserved inside his storage ring.

After this was done , he continued to open the chests one after another but till the fourth one the only things he found was some Rank 2 herbs which were useful to refine antidote or healing pill.

In the fourth chest he found an herb that he was going to search for when he had his breakthrough , the Fire Accumulation Grass , it was a Rank 3 herb that grew in Fire Dou Qi filled place , to mature it had to absorb Fire Dou Qi for 10 years and Digest it for another 10 years , after this processus was over , it would bloom one petal and 10 years later would start the processus once again , the numbe of petal was equivalent to the number of cycle aclomplished.

This Fire Accumulation Grass had 10 petals so it was extremly rare.

To refine the Fire Boosting Pill he needed a 10 petals one , which mean he was extremly lucky , he would be able to raise the purity of his Fire Dou Qi affinity with it.

The fifth chest countained a Nature Supporting Root , which had the same cycle repetition as the Fire Accumulation Grass , he was actually surprised since it means that he would also be able to raise the purity of his Wood Dou Qi Affinity.

He was sure that the person who let these things here was an alchemist.

In the last chest was a scroll , it was a Xuan High Rank Dou Method suited for training Lightning Dou Qi Affinity , it was named Clear Thunder and it was noted that it had the highest Dou Qi purity for Thunder Dou Qi in the Xuan Rank.