Xiao Hei First Fight

Hao Shen had been in the Magical Beast Mountain Range for seven weeks already and his strength was becoming stronger and stronger , in only seven weeks , he jumped from the 1-star Dou Zhe realm to the 5-star Dou Zhe realm.

This cultivation speed was considered quite fast but Hao Shen was feeling that he had weakened a little bit the foundation that he had worked so hard to create in the Dou Zhi Qi realm and since the ingredient needed to concoct the Foundation Stabilising Pill were extremely rare he choose to cultivate normally to the 6-star Dou Zhe realm , if he calculated it right , it should take him a month , after that he would be able to breakthrough to the 7-star Dou Zhe realm with the help of pills in less than two months and he would cultivate to the 8-star Dou Zhe realm using the remaining time before his Dou Qi Flame reached saturation of Star Energy which would purify his Dou Qi and make his Dou Qi Flame more powerful.

During the last two weeks , Xiao Hei didn't grow but he started to practice his control over the Dou Qi inside of his body.

The advantage that Magical Beast had over Human was the fact that they didn't need a Dou Qi Method and were thus able to use all the Dou Qi Type they had in their body , for example , Xiao Hei could use the Lightning Type Dou Qi and the Fire Type Dou Qi separately but he could also fuse them to gain a stronger attack power.

After a week passed since Xiao Hei had started his practice over Dou Qi , he wanted to go out to fight another Magical Beast so Hao Shen took him outside and they went together in search of a Low Level Rank 1 Magical Beast.

After some time of travel they found a Ferocious Wind Wolf , it was a Low Level Rank 1 Magical Beast and was quite a good opponent for the first fight of Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei began to grow excited at the sight of this wolf and before Hao Shen could even react Xiao Hei rushed to the Ferocious Wind Wolf while condensing some Fire Type Dou Qi around himself.

The Ferocious Wind Wolf sensed something rushing towards it and jumped away from where it stood before , the moment it jumped away was the moment the Flame covered Xiao Hei crashed onto the last position of the Ferocious Wind Wolf.

The Ferocious Wind Wolf was quite surprised and became slightly afraid as it had nearly died before even knowing how.

Xiao Hei flew up from the dust and eyed the Ferocious Wind Wolf with a calm gaze , The Ferocious Wind Wolf did the same but his gaze contained a slightly angry expression.

The Ferocious Wind Wolf seemed to see that Xiao Hei was born just recently as he was quite small and this fact made it angry , the Ferocious Wind Wolf were a weak race among the Magical Beasts and the strongest Ferocious Wind Wolf who was ever seen was a Low Level Rank 3 Magical Beast , it was only equivalent to a Da Dou Shi practitioner , compared to them , the Night Raven were a Race who had a slight trace of the Rank 7 Magical Beast , the Desolation Raven , so the Ferocious Wind Wolf felt quite jealous about Xiao Hei as it seemed that he had a enormous potential.

After some time looking at each other , Xiao Hei finally made the first move , it launched a little Lightning Bolt towards the Ferocious Wind Wolf.

The Ferocious Wind Wolf was surprised , it was thinking that Xiao Hei only was a Fire Type Magical Beast but made a mistake so he was unable to dodge the Lightning Bolt completely and was hit on his front leg , the odor of burned flesh permenated through the air and the Ferocious Wind Wolf howled in pain.

Xiao Hei seeing that the Ferocious Wind Wolf had difficulty moving after being it covered himself in flame and rushed towards the Ferocious Wind Wolf hitting it with full force and killing it.

After killing it , Xiao Hei began to dug out the Wind Core inside of the Ferocious Wind Wolf brain but just as he got it , an arrow flew in his direction nearly penetrating his head.

Hao Shen who was watching the fight between Xiao Hei and the Ferocious Wind Wolf was shocked and then angry , the arrow nearly killed Xiao Hei and Hao Shen wouldn't have been able to do anything about it , Hao Shen really liked Xiao Hei as he had watched him grow up from the day he came out of his egg.

Xiao Hei seemed to slightly panic and flew away from where it stood.

"Don't let him run , if I'm not wrong it's a baby Night Raven , we could sell its body for quite a bit of money!"

Some voice sounded out of the surrounding.

Hao Shen catched Xiao Hei after he passed near the tree were Hao Shen was hinding and he remarked that Xiao Hei was slightly trembling so he started to pat his head without making a sound.

He looked over to where the voice came from and saw a group of six mens , they seemed to be mercenary as they all wore the same armour.

After Hao Shen observed them , he saw that the strongest among them was a 1-star Dou Shi realm practitioner so if a fight broke out Hao Shen will be in difficulty , aside from the Dou Shi realm practitioner the rest of the group were all Dou Zhe , the weakest was a 2-star Dou Zhe realm practitioner , there were also two 4-star Dou Zhe and the last one was a 6-star Dou Zhe.

For Hao Shen the sole method he could use to kill them all was to assassinate the Dou Shi using the Thousand Step Whirlwind and the Flash Slash with the Sword Light power he should be able to kill him in one strike if he didn't had the time to activate his Dou Qi Cloak.

After thinking for a while , Hao Shen found out that it was the only possibility so he started to concentrate his Dou Qi towards his legs and his Sword , th Sword started to lightly shine meaning that the Sword Light coul be realeased.

After the group of men who had chased Xiao Hei couldn't find him they decided to go search in multiple direction.

The Dou Shi realm practitioner was coincidentally the one who came towards where Hao Shen was hiding.

'I should thanks the god who sent me here for my plot armor the next time I see him'

The Dou Shi practitioner seemed relaxed since he didn't think any beast near the spot he stood could pose him any problem , it seemed that this man got arrogant after becoming a Dou Shi and viewed himself at the top of the world.

Hao Shen was waiting for the moment the Dou Shi practitioner passed in his attack range.

The moment Hao Shen waited for finally arrived , the Dou Shi realm practitioner passed under the tree were Hao Shen was hinding.

The moment the Dou Shi practitioner entered Hao Shen range of action , Hao Shen shot out with all the speed he could exert and slashed his Sword Light at the back of the Dou Shi realm practitioner.

The Dou Shi realm practioner heard something and turned around only to see a wave of Sword Light in front of his face , it was too late for him to dodge and the sword light pierced through his body cutting his body into two different parts.

'I just killed a man but I don't feel bad about it so it seems that the fact that I grew up in this world really changed me from my previous personality.'

After he killed the Dou Shi realm practitioner , Hao Shen was feeling strangely calm , he took the Storage Ring of the Dou Shi practitioner and went on his way to kill the other memebers of this group.

Since they had tried to kill Xiao Hei he wouldn't show them any mercy.