Report , Start Of The Competition

"The Patriarch , I shall start my repord :

Durin the first two weeks after his depart the Young Master didn't do anything apart from going toward the Magical Beast Mountain Range , he then arrived at Iron Bull Town where he bought some precious herbs on the market.

I didn't enter the Young Master bedroom to respect his privacy so I don't know what he did of these herbs but they should still be in his Storage Ring.

The next day Young Master learned that the son of Tie Niu , the boss of the Iron Bull Mercenary , was poisoined by an unknown Magical Beast so he went towards Tie Niu manor to see if he could cure his son , the strangest things start here , it seems that the Young Master succeded."

"How is this possible? Shen'er is in no way a physician."

"Patriarch , I got the answer while I followed the Young Master in the Magical Beast Mountain Range.

It seems that the Young Master is an Alchemist."

"WHAT!! This is impossible , he don't even have a teacher , no one can learn alchemy alone even more so while being as young as Shen'er."Hao Tian was extremely surprised by this revelation.

"Patriarch I didn't saw the Young Master concoct any pill but I saw him control a Dou Qi Flame to burn the corpse of the mens he killed , his flame was completely mastered and moved like it was the extension of his body thus I concluded that the Young Master knew of Alchemy."

"We shall speak about this later , continue your report."

"Yes Patriarch , after the Young Master arrived in the Outer Region of the Magical Beast Mountain Range he fought his first Magical Beast on the first day and killed it pretty easily , it was a Rank 1 Blood Devouring Python , then he quickly found a secluded cave under a waterfall were he established his camp , after a week , the Young Master spotted a dying Night Raven who had just fought with some human that tried to rob its nest , it was there that the Young Master found the Egg of his pet , aside from that egg he also took a strange stone that was inside of the nest."

"He experimented these things in only a week hmm. Good continue"

"After this the young master went back to the cave under the waterfall and the next day he was followed by his pet when he came out of the cave."

"it's nothing surprising Xiao Hei should have been just about to be born."

"After this nothings particular happened in the next three weeks , by then , the young master had started to practice a mouvment Dou Qi Skill I don't know but it seemed to be very powerful.

Then the young master went to hunt with his little pet , it was the pet that fought with a Low Level Rank 1 Magical Beast and killed it pretty quickly but just as he had started excavating the core of the Magical Beast it had just killed and arrow shot towards his head , I sent a wave of Dou Qi furtively to deflect the arrow trajectory thus it ended up missing the little bird head.

It was then that the young master became serious and he exterminated all the mercenary persent , he took their Storage Rings and burned their corpse leaving nothing behind."

"He is still so young but he already have blood on his hands. Shigh...."Hao Tian was a little sad about this fact.

"After that the young master started practising another Dou Qi Skill , it seemed very powerful but also very dangerous to train since the young master kept muttering about the damage it could create to the meridian in his finger , luckily the young master didn't suffer a single injury and from what I saw I assume that this skill is at least of Xuan Class Peak Level but the young master doesn't seem to have mastered it completely so there is a chance that this skill is a -"

"A Di Class Dou Qi Skill , HAHAHA I knew it I Hao Tian have a good son , he is the luck and hope of our Hao Clan."

"After this the young master started his trip back stopping only to eat a meal in Iron Bull Town and he came back to the Hao Clan without a stop along the way , I also don't know about Young Master current cultivation."

"Thanks for the report , you can go."

"Yes Patriarch."

After this Xing He disapeared in thin air while Hao Tian stood up and left the room.

Xing He was a member of the Hao Clan Secret Pavillon , it was a group full of elite completely loyal to the Hao Clan , they were orphan nutured since they were young and the weakest member of this pavillon was a 3-star Dou Ling realm practitioner , Xing He was the vice-head of one of the three Heads of the Pavillon , he was an 6-star Dou Wang realm practitioner that nobody knew of.

The Hao Clan Secret Pavillon's Three Heads were all Dou Huang level practitioner and only each patriarch knew of their name and could order them to move they were the hidden force of the Hao Clan.


Two days passed in the blink of an eye an today was the day of the competition , all the youth of the Hao Clan went towards the Arena.

The Hao Clan Arena was a luxurious enormous building , it was comparable to the sacred stage in the capital city.

When Hao Shen arrived he went towards the spectator area since he didn't have the right to participate , once he arrived he quickly spotted his familly in the highest place of the arena so he went toward his seat.

His father saw him.

"You're finally here Shen'er , the guests from the Yun Lan Sect will be there soon , make yourself confortable."

After some time it was his sister carrying Xiao Hei that came , the moment Xiao Hei saw Hao Shen it was as if he saw his savior , he flew toward him and landed hon his shoulder not willing to go anywhere else no matter what Hao JinJing did.

Ten minutes later a commotion broke out at the entrance of the arena , it seemed that the Yun Lan Sect had arrived.