Yun Lan Sect Arrival , Competition

When the commotion broke through outside of the Hao Clan Arena all the spectator in the audience looked towards the entrance of the Arena and waited for the Yun Lan Sect to make their appearance.

The doors opened and a flow of disciple entered the Arena, their age ranged from ten to fifteen years old, their cultivations were all in the Dou Zhi Qi realm and some of them could be considered slightly talented , there was a guy who had reached the peak of the Dou Zhi Qi realm at twelve years of age but his Dou Qi seemed a bit chaotic, for this to happen there were only two possible reasons, one the practitioner had consumed too much pill thus making his foundation unstable and the other was if he had just had his breakthrough.

The most eye-catching disciple present in the Yun Lan Sect people was a young lady, she seemed to be eleven and had a stable peak Dou Zhi Qi realm cultivation, she didn't stand with the others disciples and was standing at the same level as the elder.

The young lady was definitely a future beauty, she was wearing a broad sleeved, tight body moon white long robe. Her extremely huggable waist was tied with a silver colored belt which exactly and perfectly revealed her narrow waist and her small eyebrows revealed a faint otherworldly elegance as she smiled artfully. The smile was seemingly gentle but it had an indifference seeping out that held everyone far away.

'So this is Nalan Yanran, she is indeed a beauty.' Was what Hao Shen was currently thinking while looking at her.

After every people of the Yun Lan Sect were in place, a figure appeared from above the arena and landed on the head sit of the Yun Lan Sect.

'I didn't think I'd see her here.' Hao Shen was currently very surprised by the presence of the person sitting opposite to his father.

The lady was wearing a tight dress that covered her exquisite frame. Her black hair was held in place by a noble-looking phoenix accessory. The beautiful and moving face of hers was very calm, revealing not the slightest change even when faced with the audience. The woman lightly sat on the highest sit of the Yun Lan Sect. Her calm and beautiful face carried a gracefulness and nobility that the simple dress she wore could not hide.

This woman was the current sect leader of the Yun Lan Sect, Yun Yun.

'What a beauty indeed, this Dou Qi Continent really has a lot of beauty.'

When Yun Yun had arrived on her seat, Hao Shen's father stood up and looked at the crowd around the arena.

"I welcome our guests from the Yun Lan Sect and I hope we will have a good time watching the young talent of our respective group."

"You are too courteous Patriarch Hao, I thank you for accepting the competition that we proposed to you."

"Haha, your joking Sect Leader Yun, how could Hao Tian dare to refuse an invitation from the famous Yun Lan Sect."

"Since that the case why don't we start the competition?"

"Good idea, I in my name of patriarch of the Hao Clan declare the start of the Amical Competition, the rules are the following, the fighting method will be like a tournament in one versus one fight, once one of the fighters surrender the fight will stop, don't hit too hard, if someone is crippled the responsibility will lie with the one who caused it and the responsible person will receive the same injuries as the victim, that's all for the rules.

Let the participant enter the arena to draw their number."

After the rules were announced, all the participants went into the arena to draw their numbers.

"Good, since everyone knows when he had to fight let me tell you something else, the competition will be divided into two parts, the first one will be today to determine the top 8 of the competition, and tomorrow will be the last day of competition where the final winner will be announced."

The competition started and soon some participant seemed to shine more than others, the two most powerful people seemed to be Nalan Yanran and Hao Wei with the later being a little weaker than the former, aside from them a member of the Hao Clan became the biggest dark horse of the competition , he had hidden his cultivation at the 7-star Dou Zhi Qi realm while he was, in fact, a Peak 9-star Dou Zhi Qi realm practitioner, this situation even shocked Hao Shen's father as he didn't know of this beforehand.

'Hmm seems that this guy got some lucky encounter somewhere.' Hao Shen started reading the information about him, this guy was named Hao Li and was an external branch member of the Hao Clan, he was nothing special all the while but he seemed to have changed since he completed a mission in the north of the Jia Ma Empire.

'If I'm not wrong he should have gotten the inheritance of a Dou Huang or higher since he was able to rise by four-star in less than a year, Hao Li was only twelve this year and he was already at the peak of the Dou Zhi Qi realm , but a year ago he was still struggling at the 5-star Dou Zhi Qi realm , so he had surely received something from at least a Dou Huang practitioner , maybe some pill or a Dou Qi method but anyway this secret didn't interest Hao Shen too much as it was a good thing to have one more expert in the clan.

Aside from Hao Li, Hao Wei and Nalan Yanran nobody else really stood out of the crowd so the competition was quickly finished.

The eight remaining participants were Hao Li, Hao Wei, Nalan Yanran, two others member of the Yun Lan Sect, Hao Mei, Hao Yu, and Hao Jin, all of the others aside from Hao Li, Hao Wei and Nalan Yanran were at the 8-star Dou Zhi Qi realm since the youth with unstable Peak Dou Zhi Qi realm had been defeated by Hao Li.

The remaining participant stood on the arena and after their name was announced they left towards their assigned residence the people from the Hao Clan went back towards their respective house and the guests of the Yun Lan Sect went towards the remaining participant from the Yun Lan Sect went towards the guest houses inside of the Hao Clan Estate, these residences were very close to where Hao Shen's pavilion was situated.