Information About The Green Lotus Core Flame

After everyone had left the Arena, the only people remaining inside of it were the high graded member of both the Hao Clan and the Yun Lan Sect, the Yun Lan Sect came with five elders who were in the late stage of the Dou Wang realm , and there was also the Sect Master of the Yun Lan Sect, Yun Yun who was also the youngest Dou Huang realm cultivator of the Jia Ma Empire.

On the side of the Hao Clan stood the Hao Clan Patriarch, Hao Tian, Dou Huang realm practitioner and his little brother Hao Jian who was at the very peak of the Dou Wang realm, aside from them there were another three elders who were also in the late stage of the Dou Wang realm.

Of the young generation, the only remaining person was Hao Shen, he was interested in what was going on so he decided to stay behind to listen.

Before they started to speak an elder of the Yun Lan Sect looked at Hao Shen.

"Leader Hao are you sure we can speak about our issue with other people here?"

Hao Tian looked lost for a second before he understood.

"Haha, Elder Fan you don't have to worry, this youth over there is my son so he is not an outsider, Shen'er come, greet the elders from the Yun Lan Sect."

Hao Shen went towards them and saluted.

"Hao Shen's greets the Elders and the Sect Master."

The elders hearing that the youth was actually the Jia Ma Empire number one prodigy who reached the Dou Zhe realm at the young age of eleven were a little surprised since the youth before them resembled more to a teenager of fourteen or fifteen years old than a kid of eleven.

"Leader Hao, with all respect, the Young Master of the Hao clan should be eleven years old this year but this youth seems older than this."

Hao Shen replied before Hao Tian could.

"Haha, Elder you don't have to be so serious about it since the confusion often happens due to my appearance."

"All right then, shall we start speaking about the important subject aborted in the letter I sent you earlier." Said Elder Fan.

Hao Shen watched all of the people on the side of the Yun Lan Sect but he quickly lost interest and started listening to the conversations.

"That's why we think that a Legendary Heavenly Flame is currently in the Tager Desert and the Rank 6 Alchemist Lord Gu He is hoping that you will help him with us, as a thank you gift, Lord Gu He will refine pill for you free of charge after he got the Heavenly Flame."

'Hahaha so that what it was, they discovered the existence of the Green Lotus Core Flame some years before the story even started but failed to obtain it before Queen Medusa haha.'

Other than Hao Shen the other people present were shocked by this news, in the record of the Hao Clan there was mention of the Legendary Heavenly Flame but it was a very little mention since only a little bit of information were found about them.

"If there is really the Heavenly Flame you talk about in the Tager Desert I'll send a Peak Dou Wang realm practitioner to help since Alchemist Gu He made such a great proposition, but don't forget that there is a practitioner that no one wants to offend living there , it will become quite dangerous if Queen Medusa participate in the battle so if this happens my Dou Wang realm practitioner will back off from the operation , I don't wish to become enemies with a whole race for someone else benefices."

"We understand Leader Hao, we will now take our leave."

After they had left Hao Tian looked at Hao Shen who seemed pensive.

"Shen'er do you think we should agree to their proposition ?"

"I don't think this is a bad proposition so there no reason to not accept it but you made the right decision to back off without having to fight Queen Medusa, this woman is dangerous she will become even more dangerous in the future, father, I don't think they know where the Heavenly Flame his inside of the Tager Desert so this should still take some time before you have to send a practitioner there."

"Alright, I'll tell you when they ask me to send the practitioner."

Without them knowing, a woman was currently listening to their conversation, she was above the ground standing in the sky and looked seriously at Hao Shen before departing towards the guest houses of the Hao Clan Estate.

After speaking some more with his father Hao Shen and Xiao Hei who was sleeping on his shoulder went back to the Hao Clan Estate, After they arrived at Hao Shen's pavilion Xiao Hei went to sleep on Hao Shen's bed while Hao Shen went out once more towards his private training field.

After arriving at the training field Hao Shen unsheathed his sword and started practicing the Flash Slash Dou Qi Skills, he had managed to promote it to the eighth slash and nearly reached the last level, his Flash Slash Sword Light consumed even less Dou Qi and he was able to slash out ten Sword Lights without being tired and if he reached the next level, he wouldn't need to consume any Dou Qi to create Sword Lights, which mean he could slash as many as he wanted.

While he was practicing, he heard some voices coming from behind him so he turned around, he saw four persons entering the training field, there was a male who wasn't speaking and two females chatting with each other, what surprised Hao Shen was that amongst them was Nalan Yanran.

'Hmm, these are the best disciple of the Yun Lan Sect younger generation.'

While he looked at them the trio also saw him, they stopped chatting and curiously looked over, the second female seemed quite shy with people she didn't know since she was blushing a little, Hao Shen didn't know that the little female disciple was blushing because of him , he was not conscious that he had become quite handsome since the start of his cultivation journey.

Hao Shen had piercing eyes that seemed able to see through one soul, he had long black hair reaching his waist, aside from his physical appearance, the Star-Fire Revolution Mantra also blessed him with an aura of nobility.

The male disciple of the Yun Lan Sect was the first to speak.

"Sorry to disturb you while your training senior."

"Sen-, Senior ?? Me ??"Hao Shen pointed a finger at himself and the trio nodded.