Some Training With The Disciple Of The Yun Lan Sect

After being called senior by a guy three years older than him Hao Shen was slightly speechless.

"Hum, I think your mistaken, I'm only eleven years old this year." Said Hao Shen seriously

The trio looked stunned but soon got back to normal

"Plea- Please stop joking around senior it is not good to mock juniors."That was the little female disciple

"But it's true you can ask anyone in the Clan how old I am they will tell you."

The three disciples from the Yun Lan Sect seemed to believe him a little more so they started chatting a little.

"Oh, by the way, my name is Hao Shen I'm a direct disciple of the Hao Clan" After having chatted a bit Hao Shen decided to introduce himself.

"Ah right we forgot to introduce ourselves, I'm Ling Chen I'm an Inner Disciple of the Yun Lan Sect"

"My name is Qin Yue, I'm also an inner disciple of the Yun Lan Sect, and this i-" before Qin Yue could finish her sentence Nalan Yanran spoke.

"I'm Nalan Yanran, I'm a core disciple from the Yunlan Sect."She didn't reveal her identity as the disciple of the Sect Master to Hao Shen."

'Hmm she choose to hid it ehhh, bah it's not even important what's more I don't care about the Yun Lan Sect , the sole thing I care about his the Hun Clan who support Yun Shan in the shadow, these fuckers patriarch will breakthrough the Dou Di realm one day, hehe what a surprised face he'll make once he realize that he is not the first to become one.

Hao Shen didn't say anything after hearing what Nalan Yanran had said.

"So should we practice together?"

"Is it not a problem since we will be opponents in tomorrow competition?" Asked Ling Chen

"It's not a problem since I'm not even participating."

"Right, I saw you near the Hao Clan patriarch today so why aren't you participating?"Asked Qin Yue

"Hmm, It's because I already had my breakthrough the Dou Zhe realm some months ago."

"Hehe, stop joking if you are eleven years old you can't be a Dou Zhe realm practitioner since it would make you at the same level as the super genius of the Hao Clan Hao Sh-"Qin Yue stopped in the middle of her sentence.

"Wh- What was your name again?"

"I've already told you I'm Hao Shen." Hao Shen seemed obvious to the strange atmosphere there was around them.

"Haha, So you are Hao Shen , I'm a big fan of yours , it was thanks to you that I had a breakthrough to the 8-star Dou Zhi Qi realm this year as I was inspired by you , it is said that you never stop training for even a single day and thanks to your effort and talent you become the genius that you are today."This was Ling Chen that said this, he didn't seem bothered by the identity of Hao Shen and looked at him in awe.

"Hehe the rumors are quite exaggerated I'm not training that much." Hao Shen was quite embarrassed to see the look of awe present in Ling Chen gaze, he could tell that Ling Chen really respected him from the bottom of his heart and this was a first for Hao Shen.

"I heard that you had already reached the peak of the Dou Zhi Qi realm when you were only nine years old and at that time only the genius from the Xiao Clan, Xiao Yan was your match it's really impressive." Qin Yue was also looking at Hao Shen in awe.

"I don't know since I've never really met him."Hao Shen was assaulted by questions one after another by the two of them and didn't know how to respond certain of them he also remarked that when the name of Xiao Yan was spoken, Nalan Yanran seemed to be in deep tough about something.

'Hehe, good she still thinks of ending the marriage, it's good news for me as if she don't do it my sole rival won't even have the strength to lick my shoes when I am stronger'

In Hao Shen view only Xiao Yan was worthy enough to be his rival in the whole Dou Qi continent since he was the sole person of the same generation able to keep his quick cultivation speed. Xiao Yan also possessed Ancient Dou Di Bloodline and came from one of the eight great clans and was originally the main character of this world.

All of these facts made Xiao Yan the only person worthy enough to be his rival in their generation.

After some time Hao Shen managed to extricate himself from the series of questions of his two fans.

"We Should start practicing since you have to fight tomorrow in the competition."

"Yes, you right let's train."

The four of them started practicing till midnight and then went a separate way.

The Next Day in the morning the competitor came into the arena and once more drew numbers.

The fights were as follows, Hao Li vs Ling Chen, Hao Yu vs Qin Yue, Hao Jin vs Nalan Yanran and Hao Mei vs Hao Wei.

Hao Shen was looking forward to the performance of his cousin, it was said that he had practiced a Xuan Class Mid Level Dou Qi Skill while Hao Shen was away , Hao Shen also wanted to see Hao Li fight since he was the biggest Dark Horse of the competition and by seeing some Dou Qi Skills that he would use Hao Shen would maybe be able to discern the legacy of which expert, he received.

Hao Li was currently the one with the most chance of victory in the Hao Clan since he would fight Nalan Yanran or Hao Wei only in the last match so if he didn't underestimate his opponent too much he shouldn't have any problem to reach the final stage.

"Let the competition start !!" Hao Tian Said to the crowd.

'Hehe, let's see what can happen with the unknown factor' Hao Shen thought while looking at Hao Li.