Fighting A Rank 2 Magical Beast

Hao Shen looked at Xiao Hei's eyes and saw them shine brightly when he looked inside the cave guarded by the Mid Level Rank 2 Magical Beast.

'Sigh, this will be the toughest battle I fight since the start of my life in this world but it can also be an opportunity that will allow me to fight stronger opponents in the future, bah, no matter what a mere Rank 2 Magical Beast is not strong enough for me to surrender, I'll kill it.'

Hao Shen looked at Xiao Hei.

"Xiao Hei, don't worry, I'll kill this Frost Ape for you and I'll get you the thing inside of the cave.

Let's go, I've got a Magical Beast to kill."

Xiao Hei nodded and flew in the sky above the Frost Ape, even tough Xiao Hei was only a Mid Level Rank 1 Magical Beast he wasn't afraid of the stronger Magical Beasts, Hao Shen tough that this was due to his pride as one of the descendants of the Desolation Raven.

Desolation Ravens were known as extremely prideful Magical Beasts since they were one of the only species that possessed an inherited Beast Flame and it was also quite a powerful one.

Any Desolation Raven possessed the Desolation Corrosive Flame since they were born so even tough Xiao Hei wasn't a Desolation Raven, the slight trace of bloodline he possessed in his body was enough for him to be unafraid of any Magical Beast under the Rank 7 so a mere Rank 2 Magical Beast was not something that could cause him to feel fear.

After some time Hao Shen arrived at the cave and saw the Frost Ape, it was a 3 meter high Magical Beast and it seemed to be sleeping.

'Ape Type Magical Beasts are known to be quite intelligent but they also are easily angered and when that happens the quickly go berserk losing all their thinking ability but they become a lot more powerful.'

Hao Shen then decided that he would make the Frost Ape angry since it would be a lot easier to kill if it didn't focus on defending itself and only attacked.

'To make it angry I just have to cause him important damage and now is the right moment since it's sleeping, his Dou Qi cloak isn't activated so I should send a powerful Sword Light right in its chest where its heart is situated.'

After finishing his strategy Hao Shen began his assault, he charged a lot of Dou Qi in his Sword and sent a 5-meter long Sword Light directly towards the Frost Ape Chest.


The Sword Light inflicted a deep wound to the Frost Ape who directly stood up while roaring.

Hao Shen didn't stop his attack, he used the Thousand Step Whirlwind to rush towards the Frost Ape and slashed nine-time with his sword, damaging the Frost Ape once more.

The Frost Ape sent a fist toward Hao Shen without Hao Shen being able to react on time, Hao Shen could only throw himself to the side to avoid the Magical Beast's fist.

'Shit, if I was hit by this I'll be heavily injured!'

Hao Shen focused and started displaying the full power of the Thousand Step Whirlwind to reduce the distance between him and the ape, but the Frost Ape also charged towards Hao Shen without thinking about its defense since it was already in a berserk state.

Hao Shen dodged the incoming Magical Beast and slashed two Sword Light who barely managed to scratch the skin of the Frost Ape.

'Shit!! Who made this fucking Dou Qi Cloak so hard.'

But Hao Shen didn't lose his calm, the Dou Qi Cloak protection covered the body and didn't protect the inside of it so he still had one more chance to kill the Frost Ape.

The Frost Ape stood up from where it was and resumed his charge toward Hao Shen.

Hao Shen looked at the Frost Ape and covered his Sword in Black Inferno Flame and sent his Dou Qi directly inside of it to fuse the Star-Fire Revolution Flame and the Black Inferno Flame thus creating a

much more powerful flame and sent a Sword Light fused with it right to the Frost Ape.

A 10-meter long Sword Light erupted from Hao Shen's Sword and rushed towards the incoming Frost Ape, and just as it was about to land on it, Flames erupted from within the Sword Light completely burning the Dou Qi Cloak of the Frost Ape, the sword light once more reached the Frost Ape chest and pierced through it, this Sword Light was two times more powerful than the first one he fired so it directly passed through the Frost Ape body.

Hao Shen had used the same principle as the Angry Buddha Lotus Flame from the original novel, he fused his own Dou Qi Flame with the Black Inferno Flame and sent it directly toward the Frost Ape, it was a dangerous move since if he failed he would most likely be heavily injured but Hao Shen choose to take the risk and he succeeded.

"Hahaha, I did it, I killed this Mid Level Rank 2 Magical Beast, even though I mostly relied on luck I still did it."

Hao Shen was lying on the ground while panting exhausted after his fight, he sat in a meditative stance and started to absorb Dou Qi to restore a little of his energy.

After some time he stood up.

"Sigh, I nearly died here."

After this Hao Shen went toward the corpse of the Frost Ape since it was a Mid Level Rank 2 Magical Beast if Hao Shen got his Magical Core it would be quite useful for him to refine pills later on.

After searching through the brain of the Frost Ape, he found the Magical Core.

This was a Rank 2 Ice Magical Core and was considered quite costly, if Hao Shen sold it he should be able to obtain some money but obviously, money was the last of Hao Shen preoccupation.

Hao Shen whistled to the sky and soon Xiao Hei descended and landed on his shoulder.

"See Xiao Hei, I told you I will kill it for you, let's go get what you found inside of this cave."

Hao Shen and Xiao Hei went inside of the cave.