Meeting the youths of Wu Tan City

Hao Shen entered Wu Tan City and began to stroll the street in search of the market, he knew that there was one since he read about it in the original novel back in his previous life.

After some time he finally found it but he saw something that he hadn't expected, there were multiple youths present in the market and they seemed to be in conflict about some things.

"Hehe, you the Xiao Clan people are only a bunch of trash, none of you his as powerful as me."

A luxuriously dressed young man who looked to be only a little bit older than twenty years old and appeared to be quite handsome, said while trying to adopt an elegant attitude.

"Hahaha, Jia Lei Bi don't you have any shame, you're already over twenty we're younger than you by more than five year but you still brag about being stronger than us, if the two young masters of our clan didn't depart from Wu Tan City you wouldn't even dare to say a things to us."

A youth wearing the Xiao Clan said while standing up weakly from the ground.

"So what? the two young masters of yours are not even in Wu Tan City anymore and the third one already became a cripple two years ago who can do anything to me if I bully you, don't forget that my father is a Da Dou Shi Expert and also the Jia Lie Clan Patriarch" Jia Lie Ao seemed quite proud about this fact.

Hao Shen who was quietly observing till now decided to reveal himself.

"Hehehe, to thinks that some people dared to bully others while being only mere 2-star Dou Zhe practitioner his quite laughable."

The laughter startled everyone on the market plaza, they all looked towards the direction where it had come from and saw a young man who appeared to be fourteen or fifteen standing there while looking disdainfully at Jia Lie Ao.

"Is this younger brother tired of living, he dares to provoke the young master of the Jia Lie Familly openly like this."

"How should I know, but the thing I know is that he won't have a good ending."

Jia Lie Ao and the youth of the Xiao Clan looked toward Hao Shen.

"I think I didn't hear what you said very well, care to repeat it?" Jia Lie Ao seemed quite smug after having heard the people on the plaza speak about the destiny of the young man before him.

"Hehehe, I think you heard me quite clearly, I said that a mere 2-star Dou Zhe realm practitioner doesn't have the right to bully other peoples."

"Hehehe, so young but you are already quite arrogant since I don't remember your face, it seems that you don't come from Wu Tan City."

"Hehe, so what about it?" Hao Shen really disliked arrogant people so he was already quite pissed of while seeing Jia Lie Ao flaunting around with his meager strength.

"Hehe, it seems that you don't know who I am so I'll let you a chance, kneel on the ground and apologize, if you do it I'll let you go without suffering, if not, I'll make you kneel myself."

"Hehe, then come, I'll don't attack you immediately so don't worry about a thing, you can even ask the other guys with you to help you."Hao Shen had already scanned the strength of the people with Jia Lie Ao, the strongest was probably his bodyguard since he was a practitioner at the peak 9-star Dou Zhe realm, this kind of strength didn't pose any threat to the current Hao Shen.

"You seem quite arrogant, I alone am enough to destroy a guy like you."

After saying this Jia Lie Ao rushed at Hao Shen using his fastest speed, but before he could even react Hao Shen had disappeared from where he stood previously, Jia Lie Ao was surprised and started to feel a little scared, it was well known that Jia Lie Ao was actually a coward but he liked to act strong in front of weaker than himself, he was the basic bully.

"Hehe, what is it young master Jia Lie? you can't even see me move, that's why I told you to ask for help." Hao Shen voice resounded behind Jia Lie Ao group and when everyone turned around they saw Hao Shen patting the heads of two side kick of Jia Lie Ao.

"Ho-How, Quick, kill him for me!!" Jia Lie Ao was finally scared shitless and ordered his subordinates to attack.

"Hehe, now that you have the numerical advantage people won't say that I bullied you if I fight back."

The moment Hao Shen finished his sentence he sent two punches towards the nearest people's guts directly sending them flying backward, they crashed is the buildings at the other side of the market plaza.

Hao Shen then rushed toward the bodyguard since he was the last man from the Jia Lie Clan standing aside from Jia Lie Ao, he dodged the punch that the bodyguard sent toward him and sent a punch directly towards the bodyguard who flew like a broken kite towards the edge of the plaza.

"Hehe, mere Dou Zhe realm practitioner doesn't have the necessary strength to block me, now let's see young master Jia Lie Ao, how do you want to take care of me?"

"Do- Don't come closer, my father is a Da Dou Shi Expert, he will kill you if you touch me." Jia Lie Ao started panicking so he once more chooses to rely on his father.

"Hahaha, your father is a Da Dou Shi and that's what makes you proud of yourself, I have to say I've never heard anything as funny as this, if it was the way things worked in the Jia Ma Empire I'll be able to do anything I want, since mine is a Dou Huang, hehe." Hao Shen started laughing while the rest of the crowd stood there shocked about what they had just heard.

'Bah, my background would be exposed once I meet Ya Fei anyway so I don't care.'