Meeting the Xiao Clan's Patriarch

"So young master Jia Lei Ao, you want to use the background to pressure me, even though the fight we just had was a fight of the younger generation you want to use the Elders to fight, hmm, that's quite an interesting point of view but to me, it looks like your just a coward who is afraid of the strong but bully the weak, so I say that today even if the Jia Lie Clan Patriarch arrives I will still beat you up like the dog you are in front of this whole crowd." Hao Shen started walking toward Jia Lie Ao to beat him up but a voice interrupted him.

"Hehehe, it's the first time that I Jia Lie Bi heard such an arrogant youngster, you want to beat my own son while I'm watching, what's more you pretend that your father is a Dou Huang realm practitioner expert, hehe, I'd love to see the proof of this before you take another step forward, if you don't have it then you can forgive about leaving this plaza alive." Jia Lie Bi appeared in the market plaza followed by the Elders of the Jia Lie Clan.

"Hehe, you are the patriarch of the Jia Lie Clan Jia Lie Bi, hmm, looks like the saying is true, the apple never falls too far from the tree, a trash son can't have a talented father, hehe." Hao Shen mocked Jia Lie Bi and Jia Lie Ao since he knew of their personality thanks to the original story, they were both cowards who attacked people when they were at their lowest.

"You want me to show you a proof that my father is a Dou Huang realm practitioner right? Then all I can say is try to kill me and face the consequences for yourself, are you sure that your Jia Lie Clan can afford to offend me?" Hao Shen said while looking down at Jia Lie Bi.

"Hehe, I Jia Lie Bi truly have seen an interesting thing today, but no matter what since you wanted to beat up my son, even if I don't kill you, I'll at least cripple both of your arms." Jia Lie Bi laughed in anger and began his charge towards Hao Shen.

In the shadow, Xing He was shocked and angered, Hao Shen, the Young Master of the Hao Clan and his future Master was about to die at the hands of a trash of the Da Dou Shi realm, he started to circulate his Dou Qi inside of his body and just as he was about to come out he stopped.

A shadow appeared between Jia Lie Bi and Hao Shen and blocked the charge of Jia Lie Bi.

"Hehe, Jia Lie Bi, this young friend is now under the protection of my Xiao Clan, since he offended your son while defending the people from my clan you can try to touch him but it will be the same as declaring me Xiao Zhan as your enemy." The person who appeared before Hao Shen was actually the Xiao Clan Patriarch and the father of Xiao Yan.

'Tchh, if he had appeared a little later I would have been able to draw out the person father sent to protect me.' Hao Shen had actually discovered Xing He a long time ago thanks to the powerful soul power he got from alchemy, but he didn't care since he knew that it was his father who had sent him, despite this Hao Shen wanted to know his identity.

"Xiao Zhan, are you sure you want to protect this little guy?"

"Hehe, Jia Lie Bi it seems that you didn't hear what I said, he protected the youths from my clan so I will absolutely protect him even if it means that I have to fight you."

"Tch, alright, Ao'er we're going back, send someone to clear the damage."

"Hehe, good day to you Jia Lie Bi." Xiao Zhan jocked while looking towards the departing Jia Lie Bi. After he disappeared from the market plaza Xiao Zhan turned toward Hao Shen with a smile.

"Hehe, young friend, I'm the patriarch of the Xiao Clan, Xiao Zhan it's my pleasure to meet you."

"Patriarch Xiao, you're too courteous, it is my pleasure." Hao Shen replied respectfully, he knew what Xiao Zhan went through to defend his clan's people when he was attacked by the Hall Of Soul and this fact was sufficient for Hao Shen to tell himself that Xiao Zhan was a good guy.

"Good, I would like to invite you to my Xiao Clan Estate, since you offended the Jia Lie Clan it's not wise for you to leave Wu Tan City right now so I shall act as your host.

"Alright, I'll follow you and thank you for your hospitality."

"It's nothing, it's nothing, follow me, I'll show you the way." After saying this Xiao Zhan started to lead the way, they went through many places of Wu Tan City and even passed before the Miteer Familly Auction House but Hao Shen didn't stop and just memorized the position of the Auction House before following Xiao Zhan once more.

After some time Xiao Zhan, Hao Shen and the youths who were being bullied in the market arrived before a big estate, the atmosphere was very clear inside of it and it seemed to be the place inside of Wu Tan City which had the greatest Feng Shui.

"Young Friend, we arrived, welcome to the Xiao Clan Estate" Exclaimed proudly Xiao Zhan.

Hao Shen looked at the Xiao Clan's Estate.

'So this is the place which in some tens of years will become the center of the world after giving birth to the first ultimate expert in the last thousand years, the place of birth of the Flame Di, Xiao Yan Di, Xiao Yan, it seems that things are starting to become interesting.' Hao Shen had a slight smile on his face when he started to follow the Xiao Clan Patriarch Xiao Zhan inside of the Xiao Clan Estate.