Meeting the Xiao Clan

Hao Shen had a slight smile on his face when he started to follow the Xiao Clan Patriarch Xiao Zhan inside of the Xiao Clan Estate.

"Xiao Clan Patriarch, this place is quite good and the Qi is purer here than any other place I have been in Wu Tan City, it seems that you got quite some good fortune to be able to build your Clan Estate here." Hao Shen smiled.

"Hehe, Your quite right about this young friend, that's why the Xiao Clan is the strongest of the three clans of Wu Tan City, by the way, I still don't know young friend's name." Xiao Zhan seemed to have realized this fact.

"Hehe, no problem Xiao Clan Patriarch, I'm Hao Shen from the Hao Clan in Hao Clan City." Hao Shen said this without hesitation since he didn't intend to hide his identity in the first place.

"Ehhh, the young genius of the Hao Clan came in this far off Wu Tan City, this is indeed an uncommon thing, are you searching for something?" Xiao Zhan seemed a little shocked but this didn't change his attitude.

"Hehe, it's a little complicated, I'm sort of searching to meet my fiancee, and I also heard that the only person capable of being my rival in the Jia Ma Empire was living here so I came to meet him while I was traveling." Hao Shen said the first part quite shyly but the second part was said with great confidence in himself.

"Hehe, so young friend Hao Shen got himself a fiancee who could possibly be in this little Wu Tan City if I can help just ask me about it if it was another place I wouldn't dare to say but in this Wu Tan City there is no one I can't find, as for your rival, sigh, you should know that-" before Xiao Zhang finished his sentence Hao Shen interrupted him.

"It doesn't matter, once one can cultivate this quickly once it means that he his a genius no matter what happen he will still be a genius, the only reason he could become like this his because of something unexplained but once he recovers of it, I'm pretty sure that he will be able to rise up to stand at the same place where I'm currently standing, the peak of our generation, and he will then be able to become my rival once more." Hao Shen said this with great confidence, in fact when Hao Shen read the original story in his previous life he was quite confused as to why the Xiao Clan people treated Xiao Yan like he was a trash, it was pretty evident that the ability to cultivate came from the natural disposition of the body and the soul and none of these two were easy to manipulate so the loss of genius of Xiao Yan could only be temporary since neither his soul nor his body had changed.

"Hahaha, these words are quite true, I knew that I Xiao Zhan son would never be a trash without talent but since even you Young Friend Hao recognize it, it seems even truer now, I feel that we have good affinity so you can call me Uncle Xiao from now on, let's go I'll introduce you to everyone." Xiao Zhan was quite pleased that the top genius in the whole Jia Ma Empire recognized his son as someone worthy enough to be his rival.

"Yes, Uncle Xiao." Hao Shen followed after him and entered the inner part of the Xiao Clan.

Sometime later they arrived in the Main Hall of the Xiao Clan, inside of the Main Hall stood multiple people, they were young and old and of various Dou Qi realm.

"It seems that everyone is there, let's make the introduction, this is Nephew Shen, Hao Shen from the Hao Clan located in the Hao Clan City." Xiao Zhan quickly made the introduction after he entered the Main Hall, everybody seemed surprised about the identity of Hao Shen

The Second Elder of the Xiao Clan stood up.

"Excuse myself but may I ask the Hao Clan token of Young Friend to confirm his identity?" He seemed quite careful since he even thought about asking Hao Shen's Young Master's Token

"It's no problem, here it is." Hao Shen took out his token from his Storage Ring, it was a dark-golden colored seal, on it was inscribed Hao and Young Master, this token was only possessed by each successor of the Hao Clan and could not be replicated since it was created by an unknown expert, thousands of years ago.

"Good, excuse me to have asked you about this Young Master Hao." the second expert backed off and the atmosphere seemed to relax now that Hao Shen had proved his identity.

After some time, Xiao Zhan spoke once more.

"Nephew Shen, you said you wanted to meet my son, you can go in the back forest of our Xiao Clan Estate, this is where he spent most of his time nowadays." Xiao Zhan told the location of Xiao Yan and gave him the permission to roam inside of the Xiao Clan.

"Alright, Uncle Xiao, Elders I shall take my leave." Hao Shen became quite excited to meet Xiao Yan, one had to know that Xiao Yan was like himself, the two of them came from the earth so Hao Shen was about the person he was supposedly the closest within this whole world.

Hao Shen left the Main Hall and started to walk toward the back forest of the Xiao Clan Estate.

Sometime later Hao Shen reached the entrance of the back forest of the Xiao Clan Estate and looked around, since he didn't see anyone he entered the forest and began to go deeper and deeper, he wasn't afraid to be attacked by a Magical Beast but he still maintained his focus while he went deeper and deeper.

When he had walked for approximately ten minutes he saw on a tree two people standing there, they were a boy and a girl and they seemed to be quite young, they were standing there speaking joyfully together.